Is your job preventing you from putting a bun in the oven?
I'm working 12-hour days back-to-back. Can that keep me from rolling out an egg? —Lara, New York City
Burning the candle at both ends causes stress, which can disrupt the hormone signals that initiate ovulation. The result: You may ovulate later than usual—or not at all, which can delay or make you flat-out miss your period. If you can't cut back at work, try your best to sleep seven hours each night, eat a balanced diet (including a prenatal vitamin), and get 30 to 45 minutes of moderately intense exercise three times a week (which can provide a boost of energy to help you get through the long days). If you work crazy hours and still eat well and sleep enough, you should ovulate.
Sheeva Talebian, M.D., reproductive endocrinologist and fertility specialist at Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Skin-Care Secrets Aestheticians Swear By
Steal their personal routines to score a youthful glow.
Any skin-care expert will tell you that the key to gorgeous, healthy skin is not just about the products you use, but more importantly how you use them. For simple changes you can make to your routine today, copy the routines of some of the best aestheticians in the business. Trust us—these women know how to take their facial skills home.
Start Using Toner in Your 30s
When Holly Byerly, VMV Hypoallergenics aesthetician and senior skinstructor, turned 35 years old, she found her skin-care routine needed some changes. One daily addition: toner. "I've added in toner each morning," she says. It removes residue left on your skin from tap water and helps your skin retain moisture. Dab toner onto your face after you wash it but before you apply lotion.
Double Up on Sun Protection
Sunscreen isn't the only way to shield your face from harmful rays. Celebrity aesthetician Renée Rouleau also applies topical forms of vitamins C and E for added protection.
Calm Sensitive Skin
"I use chamomile tea on my face as a rinse when my skin is feeling sensitive," says Joanna Vargas, celebrity facialist and founder of Joanna Vargas Salon and Skincare Collection. The tea, which is common in soothing skin-care products, is infused with antioxidants that have natural healing properties
Any skin-care expert will tell you that the key to gorgeous, healthy skin is not just about the products you use, but more importantly how you use them. For simple changes you can make to your routine today, copy the routines of some of the best aestheticians in the business. Trust us—these women know how to take their facial skills home.
Start Using Toner in Your 30s
When Holly Byerly, VMV Hypoallergenics aesthetician and senior skinstructor, turned 35 years old, she found her skin-care routine needed some changes. One daily addition: toner. "I've added in toner each morning," she says. It removes residue left on your skin from tap water and helps your skin retain moisture. Dab toner onto your face after you wash it but before you apply lotion.
Double Up on Sun Protection
Sunscreen isn't the only way to shield your face from harmful rays. Celebrity aesthetician Renée Rouleau also applies topical forms of vitamins C and E for added protection.
Calm Sensitive Skin
"I use chamomile tea on my face as a rinse when my skin is feeling sensitive," says Joanna Vargas, celebrity facialist and founder of Joanna Vargas Salon and Skincare Collection. The tea, which is common in soothing skin-care products, is infused with antioxidants that have natural healing properties
Calm Sensitive Skin
Facial Masks
Fight Cellulite
Oily Skin
Products Correctly
Skin-Care Secrets
Smoth Skin
What You Need to Know About the Number One Cancer Killer of Women
By now, you’ve probably read or at least heard of Cheryl Strayed’s bestselling book Wild, which was recently turned into a movie starring Reese Witherspoon and Laura Dern. In it, Cheryl describes her journey hiking the Pacific Crest Trail after her mom’s death at age 45 to lung cancer.
Because of this, Cheryl has always been passionate about educating others about the disease. That’s why she recently partnered with Lung Force, a new national movement led by the American Lung Association (ALA) to raise both awareness and research funds. And at this year's Oscars, she and Laura promoted Lung Force by wearing turquoise (the color of the organization).
We had the chance to speak with the author about what she wishes all women knew about lung cancer, why this partnership is so important to her, and more.
The surprising lung cancer fact she wants all women to know: “I had no idea when my mom was diagnosed that it was the number one cancer killer of women,” says Cheryl, whose mom died 24 years ago. What’s more, it’s actually the leading cancer killer in both men and women and causes more deaths than colon, breast, and pancreatic cancers combined, according to the ALA. “Whenever I tell people that lung cancer is the number one cancer killer of women, they’re never not surprised,” says Cheryl.
Because of this, Cheryl has always been passionate about educating others about the disease. That’s why she recently partnered with Lung Force, a new national movement led by the American Lung Association (ALA) to raise both awareness and research funds. And at this year's Oscars, she and Laura promoted Lung Force by wearing turquoise (the color of the organization).
We had the chance to speak with the author about what she wishes all women knew about lung cancer, why this partnership is so important to her, and more.
The surprising lung cancer fact she wants all women to know: “I had no idea when my mom was diagnosed that it was the number one cancer killer of women,” says Cheryl, whose mom died 24 years ago. What’s more, it’s actually the leading cancer killer in both men and women and causes more deaths than colon, breast, and pancreatic cancers combined, according to the ALA. “Whenever I tell people that lung cancer is the number one cancer killer of women, they’re never not surprised,” says Cheryl.
Cancer Killer of Women
Need to Know
Women Health
Weird Reasons Women Sometimes Fall for A-holes
It's not you, it's his striking resemblance to your father.
You probably think you have a good sense for what gets you totally smitten. A whip-smart wit, an awesome sense of adventure, a seriously huge heart—whatever it is, you can usually spot a good one. So why is it that you sometimes find yourself drawn to a guy who makes your head say no, no, no…but makes your heart say yes, yes, yes? Here are just a few things that science says might lead to you falling hard, despite your best intentions:
1. He's the Male Version of You
We know, we know, it's opposites that are supposed to attract—but several studies over the years have shown that the more alike you are, the stronger the attraction. From having the same sense of humor to looking similar, all the stuff you have in common could cancel out his more unsavory qualities (you know, the ones you don't share).
You probably think you have a good sense for what gets you totally smitten. A whip-smart wit, an awesome sense of adventure, a seriously huge heart—whatever it is, you can usually spot a good one. So why is it that you sometimes find yourself drawn to a guy who makes your head say no, no, no…but makes your heart say yes, yes, yes? Here are just a few things that science says might lead to you falling hard, despite your best intentions:
1. He's the Male Version of You
We know, we know, it's opposites that are supposed to attract—but several studies over the years have shown that the more alike you are, the stronger the attraction. From having the same sense of humor to looking similar, all the stuff you have in common could cancel out his more unsavory qualities (you know, the ones you don't share).
Birth Control
Fit Women
Loving Someone
Pressure Situation
Sexy Couples
Women Hair
Women Health
Women Reasons
Early Signs Your Marriage May Be Doomed
Divorced women share the red flags they wish they'd seen before things started heading downhill.
This article was written by Elizabeth Jenkins and provided by our partners at Prevention.
A marriage doesn't usually go from "'til death do us part" to "drop dead, we're getting divorced" with nary a red flag in between. But would you recognize the flags if you saw them? Here, 11 early warning signs divorced people say they should have acted on—but didn't.
Kristin Smith*, of Great Falls, Virginia, says that her soon-to-be ex-husband's lack of interest in her life is what initially stood out. "He didn't get any joy out of making me happy. Whether it was showing up hours late to a fundraiser I organized or not picking me up from oral surgery because he was too busy, it was all about him," she says. "Mother's Day and my birthday were often barely acknowledged, and I shed a lot of tears on special days like that. My husband watched me cry and cry over him. Loving people should not want to watch the ones they love cry." Because Kristin is the child of divorce and didn't want to entertain the idea herself, she hung in there for 26 years. "When you're in love with someone, it's easy to see the bad in them and still defend them," she says. "As my marriage counselor told me, kindness is forgiving someone once or twice, and enabling is forgiving the same bad behavior over and over again."
This article was written by Elizabeth Jenkins and provided by our partners at Prevention.
A marriage doesn't usually go from "'til death do us part" to "drop dead, we're getting divorced" with nary a red flag in between. But would you recognize the flags if you saw them? Here, 11 early warning signs divorced people say they should have acted on—but didn't.
Kristin Smith*, of Great Falls, Virginia, says that her soon-to-be ex-husband's lack of interest in her life is what initially stood out. "He didn't get any joy out of making me happy. Whether it was showing up hours late to a fundraiser I organized or not picking me up from oral surgery because he was too busy, it was all about him," she says. "Mother's Day and my birthday were often barely acknowledged, and I shed a lot of tears on special days like that. My husband watched me cry and cry over him. Loving people should not want to watch the ones they love cry." Because Kristin is the child of divorce and didn't want to entertain the idea herself, she hung in there for 26 years. "When you're in love with someone, it's easy to see the bad in them and still defend them," she says. "As my marriage counselor told me, kindness is forgiving someone once or twice, and enabling is forgiving the same bad behavior over and over again."
Without music, life would be a mistake...
Children who study music tend to have larger vocabularies and more advanced reading skills than their peers who do not participate in music lessons.
Children with learning disabilities or dyslexia who tend to lose focus with more noise could benefit greatly from music lessons.
Music programs are constantly in danger of being cut from shrinking school budgets even though they're proven to improve academics.
Children who study a musical instrument are more likely to excel in all of their studies, work better in teams, have enhanced critical thinking skills, stay in school, and pursue further education.
In the past, secondary students who participated in a music group at school reported the lowest lifetime and current use of all substances (tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs).
Schools with music programs have an estimated 90.2% graduation rate and 93.9% attendance rate compared to schools without music education, which average 72.9% graduation and 84.9% attendance.
Regardless of socioeconomic status or school district, students (3rd graders) who participate in high-quality music programs score higher on reading and spelling tests.
A Stanford study shows that music engages areas of the brain which are involved with paying attention, making predictions and updating events in our memory.
Much like expert technical skills, mastery in arts and humanities is closely correlated to a greater understanding of language components.
Young children who take music lessons show different brain development and improved memory over the course of a year, compared to children who do not receive musical training.
Schools that have music programs have an attendance rate of 93.3% compared to 84.9% in schools without music programs.
Children with learning disabilities or dyslexia who tend to lose focus with more noise could benefit greatly from music lessons.
Music programs are constantly in danger of being cut from shrinking school budgets even though they're proven to improve academics.
Children who study a musical instrument are more likely to excel in all of their studies, work better in teams, have enhanced critical thinking skills, stay in school, and pursue further education.
In the past, secondary students who participated in a music group at school reported the lowest lifetime and current use of all substances (tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs).
Schools with music programs have an estimated 90.2% graduation rate and 93.9% attendance rate compared to schools without music education, which average 72.9% graduation and 84.9% attendance.
Regardless of socioeconomic status or school district, students (3rd graders) who participate in high-quality music programs score higher on reading and spelling tests.
A Stanford study shows that music engages areas of the brain which are involved with paying attention, making predictions and updating events in our memory.
Much like expert technical skills, mastery in arts and humanities is closely correlated to a greater understanding of language components.
Young children who take music lessons show different brain development and improved memory over the course of a year, compared to children who do not receive musical training.
Schools that have music programs have an attendance rate of 93.3% compared to 84.9% in schools without music programs.
This is my favorite song :)
Flatten Your Belly with This Killer Ab Workout
Get a tight stomach in just six weeks without doing a single crunch. This may be the easiest workout we've ever printed
Get ready to whip off your cover-up: This workout, created exclusively for Women's Health by Rachel Cosgrove, C.S.C.S., owner of Results Fitness in Newhall, California, combines fat-burning cardio with moves that target your entire core rather than individual muscles (wouldn't it be great if there was a magical lower abs workout?), so you'll burn more fat while toning up.
Do these workout moves three nonconsecutive days a week. Start with the Basic Workout (moves 1-4 at right) to prime your muscles. After three weeks, you'll be ready to graduate to the Advanced Workout (moves 5-8). For maximum fat burning, perform the exercises as a circuit: Do one set of each move in the order shown, resting for 30 seconds between exercises. Then rest for a minute and repeat the circuit from the beginning.
Get ready to whip off your cover-up: This workout, created exclusively for Women's Health by Rachel Cosgrove, C.S.C.S., owner of Results Fitness in Newhall, California, combines fat-burning cardio with moves that target your entire core rather than individual muscles (wouldn't it be great if there was a magical lower abs workout?), so you'll burn more fat while toning up.
Do these workout moves three nonconsecutive days a week. Start with the Basic Workout (moves 1-4 at right) to prime your muscles. After three weeks, you'll be ready to graduate to the Advanced Workout (moves 5-8). For maximum fat burning, perform the exercises as a circuit: Do one set of each move in the order shown, resting for 30 seconds between exercises. Then rest for a minute and repeat the circuit from the beginning.
Things Some Men Are Too Afraid to Ask For in Bed
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click here to view the post.
Better-Sex Workout
Sex Toy
Sexual Health Guide
Surprising Factors That Make Men Insecure
Dirty Harry didn’t give a damn whether you liked his tweed suit, and John Wayne didn’t feel self-conscious about his dust-covered neckerchief. That’s just how it is with us men: We’re impervious to judgment. At least, we’re supposed to be.
But in truth, we’re human. We want you to like our suits and our neckerchiefs. If you think we’re bad dressers—or worse, that we’re dumb, ugly, or gross—it hurts. I’m not saying men need to be coddled, of course. But if you think there’s nothing that makes us feel vulnerable, you’re wrong. Here are six of the cracks that are likely to appear in a man’s armor of self-confidence.
Tips to Make Running Easier
Not to mention, you’ll be able to run faster and farther than ever before.
No one heads out on a run thinking, “I want this to feel as hard as possible.” Nuh-uh. We want it to feel good. We want it to feel less difficult than before. And it will if you try out these 11 simple-to-follow running tips:
1. Shorten Your Stride
It’s counter intuitive, sure, but shortening your stride and aiming to take more steps per minute (180 is ideal) can help you run more efficiently. It saves you energy you would have spent trying to cover more ground with each step.
2. Look Ahead
Keeping your eyes focused on a target in front of you can actually make your runs seem shorter and easier, according to research from New York University. You'll likely perceive your target as closer in distance than you would have if you were taking in everything else around you.
No one heads out on a run thinking, “I want this to feel as hard as possible.” Nuh-uh. We want it to feel good. We want it to feel less difficult than before. And it will if you try out these 11 simple-to-follow running tips:
1. Shorten Your Stride
It’s counter intuitive, sure, but shortening your stride and aiming to take more steps per minute (180 is ideal) can help you run more efficiently. It saves you energy you would have spent trying to cover more ground with each step.
2. Look Ahead
Keeping your eyes focused on a target in front of you can actually make your runs seem shorter and easier, according to research from New York University. You'll likely perceive your target as closer in distance than you would have if you were taking in everything else around you.
Beauty Tips
Body Tips
Shoulder Exercises
Friday, March 6, 2015
6 Things You’ll Have to Give Up if You Want to Lose Weight FOR GOOD
Juice fasting, low-carb, Paleo, the Master Cleanse—if you’re someone who struggles with her weight, you might always be looking for the hot new diet that will magically make it all easier. Sorry to break it to you, but staying slim and healthy is usually about making a commitment to lasting lifestyle changes—not the latest trendy diet. Fiorella DiCarlo, R.D., pinpoints the bad habits you need to break to finally see lasting results.
Banning a Food
Everyone has an all-time favorite junk food or an item that you can’t stop eating once you start. But crossing it off your grocery list forever will only heighten its appeal. “Try not to restrict any food from your diet because they will become more attractive when they are forbidden,” says DiCarlo. “Instead, allow yourself the food in moderation.” Granted, you know your own habits. If you're certain you will eat a whole box of cookies if it's sitting in your pantry, then you should only buy yourself one cookie. And when you’re consuming it, eat it mindfully. “Slowly enjoy every aspect of flavor, texture, and aroma so you are truly satisfied,” says DiCarlo.
Banning a Food
Everyone has an all-time favorite junk food or an item that you can’t stop eating once you start. But crossing it off your grocery list forever will only heighten its appeal. “Try not to restrict any food from your diet because they will become more attractive when they are forbidden,” says DiCarlo. “Instead, allow yourself the food in moderation.” Granted, you know your own habits. If you're certain you will eat a whole box of cookies if it's sitting in your pantry, then you should only buy yourself one cookie. And when you’re consuming it, eat it mindfully. “Slowly enjoy every aspect of flavor, texture, and aroma so you are truly satisfied,” says DiCarlo.
I Was Birth-Shamed for Wanting an Epidural
I Was Birth-Shamed for Wanting an Epidural
I never knew so many people cared about labor until I was pregnant. About two seconds after my husband and I announced the news, I was inundated with input on how I should give birth.
“What’s your birth plan?” one relative asked immediately after I told her I was pregnant. Uh…to get the baby out—preferably while experiencing the exact opposite of excruciating pain? She proceeded to preach to me about the benefits of natural childbirth, throwing out intense adjectives like “primal” and “empowering” while getting misty-eyed about her own birth experience. There’s really no polite way to end a conversation about how a baby should come out of me, so I just smiled, nodded, and entertained myself by reciting the lyrics to “American Pie” in my head.
I never knew so many people cared about labor until I was pregnant. About two seconds after my husband and I announced the news, I was inundated with input on how I should give birth.
“What’s your birth plan?” one relative asked immediately after I told her I was pregnant. Uh…to get the baby out—preferably while experiencing the exact opposite of excruciating pain? She proceeded to preach to me about the benefits of natural childbirth, throwing out intense adjectives like “primal” and “empowering” while getting misty-eyed about her own birth experience. There’s really no polite way to end a conversation about how a baby should come out of me, so I just smiled, nodded, and entertained myself by reciting the lyrics to “American Pie” in my head.
The (15 Minute) Belly Blasting Workout
Even women who are otherwise slender and fit can end up with a belly pooch due to underworked lower abdominal muscles. This workout will tap into the deep abdominal muscles—the transverse abdominis—that pull in your waistline like a corset. Do these moves one after another with no rest in between. Then repeat the circuit so you're performing it a total of two times.
Stability Ball Pelvic Tilt Crunch
Stability Ball Pelvic Tilt Crunch
7 Facts About Cellulite You Need to Know
How common it is, how it happens... and how to banish it, as well as you can...
Ah, cellulite. Like your nosy aunt, it's annoying—but also a nearly unavoidable part of life. Anybody can develop this pesky skin situation: It appears when collagen fibers that bind fat to the skin stretch and tear, allowing fat cells to expand. Learn more about cellulite and your body, especially how to get rid of those annoying marks once and for all (or at least how to make them less noticeable).
Cellulite Is Not Fat
Don’t get the two confused: Cellulite is just the dimples and bumps that are seen when fat is divided into tiny pockets in the skin, says board certified plastic surgeon Matthew Schulman, M.D. Interesting…
It’s More Common in Women Than in Men
How unfair is this? Women's skin collagen is arranged in parallel rows, like pillars. This pattern lends itself to the compartmentalization of fat, which makes cellulite visible, says Schulman. Men's collagen, however, is arranged in an X-pattern. This creates only very small fat compartments and doesn’t allow for dimpling of the skin.
Ah, cellulite. Like your nosy aunt, it's annoying—but also a nearly unavoidable part of life. Anybody can develop this pesky skin situation: It appears when collagen fibers that bind fat to the skin stretch and tear, allowing fat cells to expand. Learn more about cellulite and your body, especially how to get rid of those annoying marks once and for all (or at least how to make them less noticeable).
Cellulite Is Not Fat
Don’t get the two confused: Cellulite is just the dimples and bumps that are seen when fat is divided into tiny pockets in the skin, says board certified plastic surgeon Matthew Schulman, M.D. Interesting…
It’s More Common in Women Than in Men
How unfair is this? Women's skin collagen is arranged in parallel rows, like pillars. This pattern lends itself to the compartmentalization of fat, which makes cellulite visible, says Schulman. Men's collagen, however, is arranged in an X-pattern. This creates only very small fat compartments and doesn’t allow for dimpling of the skin.
Attention, Fellas! Use ALL Five Senses To Get In The Mood
Attention men everywhere, psychologist Esther Perel has a message for you: "He who looks down there is wasting his time."
Confused? Allow her to explain. More women are stimulated by not just touch, but words. When it comes to hot sex games, if you want to engage your partner on every single level, you're going to need to capture all five of their senses.
When you do this, you're not only creating a stronger and more meaningful experience for both of you but building on your relationship in a way that lights your brain on fire (figuratively speaking).
Esther has an exercise for you: let your partner touch your hand and tell them exactly how it feels, tying your words and feelings together. Then, reverse it. Touch your partners hand and listen closely to what they tell you.
Confused? Allow her to explain. More women are stimulated by not just touch, but words. When it comes to hot sex games, if you want to engage your partner on every single level, you're going to need to capture all five of their senses.
When you do this, you're not only creating a stronger and more meaningful experience for both of you but building on your relationship in a way that lights your brain on fire (figuratively speaking).
Esther has an exercise for you: let your partner touch your hand and tell them exactly how it feels, tying your words and feelings together. Then, reverse it. Touch your partners hand and listen closely to what they tell you.
Sexy Couples
8 Brutal Truths About Living With (And Loving) A Pothead
The pros and cons of dating a pothead who likes weed as much as Willie Nelson seems to.
During college, I dated a self-proclaimed "former pothead." As someone who had never smoked anything, I initially found his old hobby a huge turnoff. Potheads were like Harold & Kumar, Bob Marley and Willie Nelson: fun, but not someone you could take seriously.
After getting to know him, however, I realized that there are a lot drug habits worse than using marijuana recreationally, especially if it he'd already renounced his habit. The guy could have been into crack. He could have been a serial drunk driver. In the end, I stopped caring since there was a lot more to him than just his past with pot. Heck, I'd even date a casual pot user again...maybe. Here are a few pros and cons to consider when you can't decide if weed usage is a dealbreaker or not.
During college, I dated a self-proclaimed "former pothead." As someone who had never smoked anything, I initially found his old hobby a huge turnoff. Potheads were like Harold & Kumar, Bob Marley and Willie Nelson: fun, but not someone you could take seriously.
After getting to know him, however, I realized that there are a lot drug habits worse than using marijuana recreationally, especially if it he'd already renounced his habit. The guy could have been into crack. He could have been a serial drunk driver. In the end, I stopped caring since there was a lot more to him than just his past with pot. Heck, I'd even date a casual pot user again...maybe. Here are a few pros and cons to consider when you can't decide if weed usage is a dealbreaker or not.
How to Choose the Right Partner
Do you have an ideal partner sketched out in your head? Perhaps you have a shopping list of “must have” traits. If so, you are not alone. The most common characteristics people want in their partners include honesty, intelligence, sense of humor, stability, communication, and common hobbies and interests. Though men and women might seek similar traits in a partner, research has demonstrated that each gender focuses on different qualities. Men typically want a relationship that allows autonomy, while women look for a sense of connection.
To begin your quest to find the right partner, think about the traits and behaviors you prefer. Most people automatically think of superficial traits such as height or eye color. Though these traits may be important to you, other traits may also be more important when it comes to having a healthy, long-term relationship. Here is a list of some important qualities to consider:
To begin your quest to find the right partner, think about the traits and behaviors you prefer. Most people automatically think of superficial traits such as height or eye color. Though these traits may be important to you, other traits may also be more important when it comes to having a healthy, long-term relationship. Here is a list of some important qualities to consider:
Paleo Caramel Apple Donuts
Paleo Caramel Apple Donuts. (Gluten/Grain/Dairy/Egg Free)
Oh my lawddd. These are really crazy delicious. In an addiction, I need to eat every single crumb kind of way. Apple is the perfect compliment to chestnut flour. The flavors mesh as is they were made for each other.
Chestnut flour is magical- it acts like a cake flour and allows for EGG FREE , grain free baking. Which, is otherwise hard to come by. Most of the grain free flours are really dense- and can work ok without eggs to make recipes such as cookies and bars, but its impossible for them to become anything light and airy without eggs. Being egg free myself, and mostly grain free- Chestnut is my go to flour for Muffins, Cakes, Donuts etc.
Tammy from The Healthy Gluten Free Life, LOVES working with Chestnut flour as much as I do. Starting yesterday- running through Friday she and I are posingt a new chestnut flour each to inspire you guys to use it!
Top Delicious Paleo Desserts
This might just be the sweetest news you receive all day: Desserts don't need to go extinct if you're following a paleo diet. Sure, the caveman-inspired meal plan eschews sugar, but these 10 inventive bloggers found creative (and delicious!) ways to make your cravings go the way of the dinosaurs. Preheat your ovens now and prepare to enjoy some tasty paleo desserts.
Double Chocolate Paleo Brownies
Coconut and almond flours make this single-serving brownie from Lee at Fit Foodie Finds grain- (and guilt-) free. While chocolate chips are rarely paleo, cocoa powder almost always is!
3 Tablespoons Almond Meal
1 teaspoon coconut flour
2 teaspoons cocoa powder
1 egg white
1 Tablespoon unsweetened almond milk
1 Tablespoon mashed banana (1-2 inches of banana)
1 teaspoon coconut oil, softened
1 teaspoon Chocolate Chips, Dairy-Free
Double Chocolate Paleo Brownies
Coconut and almond flours make this single-serving brownie from Lee at Fit Foodie Finds grain- (and guilt-) free. While chocolate chips are rarely paleo, cocoa powder almost always is!
3 Tablespoons Almond Meal
1 teaspoon coconut flour
2 teaspoons cocoa powder
1 egg white
1 Tablespoon unsweetened almond milk
1 Tablespoon mashed banana (1-2 inches of banana)
1 teaspoon coconut oil, softened
1 teaspoon Chocolate Chips, Dairy-Free
BodyLove: Ways to Boost Your Confidence
Weed Your Feed
Scrolling through a newsfeed of size 0 celebrities and models can make you feel like a figure failure. In fact, the more women are exposed to selfies and other online photos, the worse they feel about their appearance, according to a new study. But Facebook doesn't have to mess up your mojo. "The benefit to social media is the ability to curate your own content, so use that power to hide anyone who makes you feel insecure and follow friends and pages that make you feel good," says Claire Mysko, the study author and a project consultant at the National Eating DisordersAssociation. "Creating a feed that includes a variety of shapes reflects the real world and takes you away from the mind-set that there's only one size that's acceptable."
Like -- No, Love Yourself in Photos
When a friend tags what you deem to be an unflattering pic, resist the urge to cringe. "We're typically much kinder to others than we are to ourselves," says psychologist Robyn Silverman, PhD, author of Good Girls Don't Get Fat. After all, think about how quick you are to like someone else's Facebook photo. Would you be as quick to like your own? Instead of seeking out flaws, ask yourself what your bestie would say about the picture -- maybe that your smile is gorgeous or your legs look toned. "Treating yourself as you would your best friend gets you in the habit of speaking to yourself kindly," Silverman says. "The more you say positive things, the more it becomes a natural part of what your brain thinks."
Should I Stop Taking the Pill at 35?
Expert advice on when to stop taking birth control pills.
Q. When I went on the pill, my doctor said I should go off it when I turned 35. Do I really need to stop?
A. No, as long as you're healthy, you don't smoke,, and you have no family history of cardiovascular disease. "Your risk for having a blood clot rises from one in 10,000 to two in 10,000, but that's still very low," says FITNESS advisory board member Sarah L. Berga, MD, professor of gynecology and obstetrics at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta. "The guideline is really a warning bell. Now is the time you may want to discuss other birth control options with your doctor if you're done having kids or your lifestyle has changed." The real cutoff point for taking the pill is age 50, when the risk for a clot jumps to one in 1,000.
Q. When I went on the pill, my doctor said I should go off it when I turned 35. Do I really need to stop?
A. No, as long as you're healthy, you don't smoke,, and you have no family history of cardiovascular disease. "Your risk for having a blood clot rises from one in 10,000 to two in 10,000, but that's still very low," says FITNESS advisory board member Sarah L. Berga, MD, professor of gynecology and obstetrics at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta. "The guideline is really a warning bell. Now is the time you may want to discuss other birth control options with your doctor if you're done having kids or your lifestyle has changed." The real cutoff point for taking the pill is age 50, when the risk for a clot jumps to one in 1,000.
Are Your Birth Control Pills Hurting Your Sex Drive?
The experts say that oral contraceptives could be causing your libido malfunction — or not. We attempt to decode the mixed messages about birth control and sex.
1. Libido Loss
Scan the list of side effects that comes with your birth control pills — you know, the piece of paper that you toss in the trash every month. That little insert will tell you that oral contraceptives can cause everything from weight gain and breast tenderness to nausea, dizziness and...loss of libido? Come to think of it, you did start feeling a little different when you began taking these things. Could your birth control be preventing pregnancy in a way you hadn't planned?
According to some women who have experienced a drop in sex drive while on the pill, the answer is yes. Lisa*, a 33-year-old Web designer from New York City, blames oral contraceptives for a year-long libido malfunction she experienced after moving in with her now-husband. "When I realized I had no drive at all, I talked to my doctor, who said it was possible that it was the pill" causing the problem. "So I stopped taking it and used a barrier method, and things got really good again."
1. Libido Loss
Scan the list of side effects that comes with your birth control pills — you know, the piece of paper that you toss in the trash every month. That little insert will tell you that oral contraceptives can cause everything from weight gain and breast tenderness to nausea, dizziness and...loss of libido? Come to think of it, you did start feeling a little different when you began taking these things. Could your birth control be preventing pregnancy in a way you hadn't planned?
According to some women who have experienced a drop in sex drive while on the pill, the answer is yes. Lisa*, a 33-year-old Web designer from New York City, blames oral contraceptives for a year-long libido malfunction she experienced after moving in with her now-husband. "When I realized I had no drive at all, I talked to my doctor, who said it was possible that it was the pill" causing the problem. "So I stopped taking it and used a barrier method, and things got really good again."
Better-Sex Workout
Birth Control
Sexual Health Guide
Sexy Couples
How the Scale Sabotages Your Sex Life

The Connection Between Weight and Libido
As Michelle Haynesworth struggled to shed 40 pounds after her first daughter was born five years ago, she lost something else instead — her libido. "I didn't enjoy sex anymore," says Michelle, 35, now a student in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. "I did it only because I knew it would hurt my husband's feelings if I didn't." She always insisted on the missionary position, to hide her "jiggly" body beneath his, and she felt self-conscious every time he touched her stomach, thighs, or butt. "All that would go through my mind was, Let's get this over with so I can get some clothes back on," she recalls.
Whenever newlywed Shawna Wolf's husband gives her a wanna-get-it-on glance, the 23-year-old music teacher in Strasburg, North Dakota, heads him off by suggesting they take their dogs for a walk. "I got in the best shape of my life for our wedding, but afterward I gained a few pounds, especially in my middle," she says. "My confidence is so zapped, I leave my shirt on during sex."
The Best Workout Ever: Have Your Own Coregasm
A very fortunate 10 percent of women experience orgasms while working out. Meet one of them.
From Big Ow to Big O
If you think about it, exercise has a lot in common with sex: You get nice and sweaty, a killer playlist makes you want to work harder, a towel always comes in handy, and a tall glass of cold water afterwards feels mighty refreshing. But lately, my workout routine has been mirroring my hanky panky in one very special way: I can't seem to crank out a set of abdominal moves without having an orgasm.
Yes, while most women leave a hardcore workout feeling the Big Ow, lately, my Plank Swipes and Single Leg Stretches have been delivering the Big O. It all started when a friend loaned me her Tracy Anderson Post-Pregnancy Workout DVD; once my OB/GYN cleared me to resume abdominal work following my C-section, I popped that sucker in, laid a towel down on our living room floor, and got to work. The video started innocently enough: an easy crunch here, an impossible pike series there. But about seven minutes in, I noticed this routine was feeling a lot, umm, hotter than most. And it had nothing to do with friction -- it seemed the harder I contracted my abs, the better it felt. Before I knew it, I'd eked out about eight orgasms, while my husband toiled away in the nursery just a few feet away, changing our newborn daughter's ninth poopy diaper of the day.
From Big Ow to Big O
If you think about it, exercise has a lot in common with sex: You get nice and sweaty, a killer playlist makes you want to work harder, a towel always comes in handy, and a tall glass of cold water afterwards feels mighty refreshing. But lately, my workout routine has been mirroring my hanky panky in one very special way: I can't seem to crank out a set of abdominal moves without having an orgasm.
Yes, while most women leave a hardcore workout feeling the Big Ow, lately, my Plank Swipes and Single Leg Stretches have been delivering the Big O. It all started when a friend loaned me her Tracy Anderson Post-Pregnancy Workout DVD; once my OB/GYN cleared me to resume abdominal work following my C-section, I popped that sucker in, laid a towel down on our living room floor, and got to work. The video started innocently enough: an easy crunch here, an impossible pike series there. But about seven minutes in, I noticed this routine was feeling a lot, umm, hotter than most. And it had nothing to do with friction -- it seemed the harder I contracted my abs, the better it felt. Before I knew it, I'd eked out about eight orgasms, while my husband toiled away in the nursery just a few feet away, changing our newborn daughter's ninth poopy diaper of the day.
Benefits of Pilates
When it comes to Pilates, most women either are die-hard enthusiasts or have never stepped foot in a Pilates studio. Are you in the latter group? Tons of research on the benefits of Pilates would suggest you switch camps. Check out the uniquely awesome power of Pilates.
Benefits of Pilates: It's Ah-Mazing for Your Abs
Pilates hits your core (or, in Pilates speak, your "powerhouse") unlike any other workout. In fact, after completing 36 weeks of Pilates training, women strengthened their rectus abdominis (the muscle responsible for six-packs) by an average of 21 percent, while eliminating muscle imbalances between the right and left sides of their cores, according to a Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise study.
Benefits of Pilates: It Can Ease Back Pain
A stronger core equals a better back, says Tracy Zindell, Flex Pilates Chicago founder and master instructor. That's why those with chronic lower back pain who practiced Pilates for just four weeks experienced more relief than those who visited a physician and other specialists, says a Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy study. What's more, their pain stayed away for a full year post-Pilates. Researchers believe that by stabilizing the core's lumbar-pelvic (lower-back) region, Pilates alleviates stress on the area and ups mobility.
Benefits of Pilates: It's Ah-Mazing for Your Abs
Pilates hits your core (or, in Pilates speak, your "powerhouse") unlike any other workout. In fact, after completing 36 weeks of Pilates training, women strengthened their rectus abdominis (the muscle responsible for six-packs) by an average of 21 percent, while eliminating muscle imbalances between the right and left sides of their cores, according to a Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise study.
Benefits of Pilates: It Can Ease Back Pain
A stronger core equals a better back, says Tracy Zindell, Flex Pilates Chicago founder and master instructor. That's why those with chronic lower back pain who practiced Pilates for just four weeks experienced more relief than those who visited a physician and other specialists, says a Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy study. What's more, their pain stayed away for a full year post-Pilates. Researchers believe that by stabilizing the core's lumbar-pelvic (lower-back) region, Pilates alleviates stress on the area and ups mobility.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Just as you’re deciding on the perfect winter coat and ankle booties, next years 2015 eyewear trends are making their bold appearance on the catwalks. Accessories are important statement pieces and can really make or break an otherwise full outfit. Next year’s wide range of sunglasses trends are especially unique and diverse, characterized by bold imaginative designs and classic, flattering shapes to suit a variety of different face shapes and tastes.
Read on for a peep of what’s to come:
Large, opaque glasses that hide even the greatest of hangovers and look chic no matter if they are paired with work wear or casual wear. Oversized sunnies have been off and on catwalks for several seasons. Dior, Karen Walker and Philip Lim were all inspired by the trend, will models slinking down the catwalk in everything from over-sized round frames to square, geometric styles. Pair yours with an ultra-classic outfit to add edge or style with an already bold neo-modern trend for example.
Read on for a peep of what’s to come:
Large, opaque glasses that hide even the greatest of hangovers and look chic no matter if they are paired with work wear or casual wear. Oversized sunnies have been off and on catwalks for several seasons. Dior, Karen Walker and Philip Lim were all inspired by the trend, will models slinking down the catwalk in everything from over-sized round frames to square, geometric styles. Pair yours with an ultra-classic outfit to add edge or style with an already bold neo-modern trend for example.
Get Holiday Party Pretty
Holiday season is all about looking like you primped and prepped — without spending a heck of a lot of time actually doing it. Here, speedy beauty tips for going from daytime to don't-you-look-hot!
Your Skin
Get sleek legs with a subtle shimmer lotion. (Try Jergens Soft Shimmer Skin Radiance Moisturizer, $6.99, drugstores.) "The pigments reflect light, obscuring minor stubble and veins," says Joyce Carboni, director of Skinsational Skin & Body Spa in Carlsbad, California.
Show off your shoulders. Lightly dust an icy, iridescent powder like Tarte Glistening Powder in Material Girl ($40, over your bare shoulders and arms, blending in circles, for an understated glow.
Boost your decolettage. A low-cut top can quickly take your outfit from the office to a big night out. Apply a drop of foundation to even out the skin tone on your chest, then add definition with a sweep of shimmery bronzer over your collarbone, says celebrity makeup artist Mally Roncal.
Your Skin
Get sleek legs with a subtle shimmer lotion. (Try Jergens Soft Shimmer Skin Radiance Moisturizer, $6.99, drugstores.) "The pigments reflect light, obscuring minor stubble and veins," says Joyce Carboni, director of Skinsational Skin & Body Spa in Carlsbad, California.
Show off your shoulders. Lightly dust an icy, iridescent powder like Tarte Glistening Powder in Material Girl ($40, over your bare shoulders and arms, blending in circles, for an understated glow.
Boost your decolettage. A low-cut top can quickly take your outfit from the office to a big night out. Apply a drop of foundation to even out the skin tone on your chest, then add definition with a sweep of shimmery bronzer over your collarbone, says celebrity makeup artist Mally Roncal.
Winter-Proof Your Skin: Our Winter Skincare Guide
Winter can do damage to even those with usually great skin. Get soft, smooth skin all winter with this personalized winter skincare plan.
Stay Soft All Over
Try these smooth moves to have soft skin all over.
Buff before bathing. To soothe roughness in winter, apply a creamy scrub to dry, not wet, skin before showering, King says. (A good one: Vickery & Clarke Ginger & Clementine Body Scrub, $8.95, Or use the pros' secret weapon, a body brush. "The -bristles loosen and remove dead skin cells without any mess," King says. (The Body Shop Cactus Body Brush, $15,, is gentle.)
Conserve water. Hot H2O ranks high on the moisture-stripping scale, but a long shower is worse. "Pruny skin signals that your natural levels of oil have been washed away," says David Bank, M.D., a dermatologist in Mount Kisco, New York. His suggested time: ten minutes, tops.
(It's a greener choice too.)
Slather up. Apply body lotion or cream immediately after a shower. "Like a wet sponge, damp skin absorbs moisture more readily than dry," King says. Intensify your lotion by mixing it with a teaspoon of body oil (try Palmer's Skin Therapy Oil, $10.99, drugstores).
Stay Soft All Over
Try these smooth moves to have soft skin all over.
Buff before bathing. To soothe roughness in winter, apply a creamy scrub to dry, not wet, skin before showering, King says. (A good one: Vickery & Clarke Ginger & Clementine Body Scrub, $8.95, Or use the pros' secret weapon, a body brush. "The -bristles loosen and remove dead skin cells without any mess," King says. (The Body Shop Cactus Body Brush, $15,, is gentle.)
Conserve water. Hot H2O ranks high on the moisture-stripping scale, but a long shower is worse. "Pruny skin signals that your natural levels of oil have been washed away," says David Bank, M.D., a dermatologist in Mount Kisco, New York. His suggested time: ten minutes, tops.
(It's a greener choice too.)
Slather up. Apply body lotion or cream immediately after a shower. "Like a wet sponge, damp skin absorbs moisture more readily than dry," King says. Intensify your lotion by mixing it with a teaspoon of body oil (try Palmer's Skin Therapy Oil, $10.99, drugstores).
Time to Shine: Easy, Festive Makeup Looks
You don't have to wear a lot of makeup to sparkle this season. Take the less-is-more approach and accent your best feature for the perfect festive flair.
Play Up Your Eyes
Look on the Bright Side
To make eyes pop, start by curling your lashes. Clamp down at the roots and work outward to the tips, keeping the pressure the same to form an even curve.
Glow for It
To quickly go from day to night, apply a gold or silver eyeliner with sparkly flecks, such as Urban Decay Heavy Metal Glitter Eyeliner ($18,
Lash Out
Get sky-high lift with a volumizing mascara; try Rimmel London Max Volume Bold Curves Mascara ($7.19, drugstores). Wiggle the wand from side to side as you raise it to create a fan effect.
Play Up Your Eyes
Look on the Bright Side
To make eyes pop, start by curling your lashes. Clamp down at the roots and work outward to the tips, keeping the pressure the same to form an even curve.
Glow for It
To quickly go from day to night, apply a gold or silver eyeliner with sparkly flecks, such as Urban Decay Heavy Metal Glitter Eyeliner ($18,
Lash Out
Get sky-high lift with a volumizing mascara; try Rimmel London Max Volume Bold Curves Mascara ($7.19, drugstores). Wiggle the wand from side to side as you raise it to create a fan effect.
Beauty Tips
Health Tips
Need of Beauty
Dry Skin Remedies for Your Entire Body
It's zero degrees and zero humidity, and suddenly your precious parts have zero tolerance. Help is on the way! We called on winter skin whisperers—top spa pros and dermatologists—to help you ease the dryness and get soft and smooth all over.
Winter Woe: Chapped Cheeks
Your flaky, flushed face is a telltale sign that you've been braving the elements. "When you're outside for long periods, the cold air extracts moisture from your skin," says Francesca Fusco, M.D., a dermatologist in New York City. The result: cracks in the skin's barrier.
Smooth moves: Because exposure to harsh detergents and even water can strip moisture from your skin, switch to a creamy, sudsless cleanser like Aveda Botanical Kinetics Purifying Creme Cleanser ($21, or a no-rinse formula like Perricone MD Blue Plasma Cleansing Treatment ($39, Then slather on a barrier cream, which contains ceramides that fill in the tiny cracks in the skin. Try Avène Hydrance Rich Cream ($30, Still flaky? Use a 10-percent-glycolic-acid serum twice a week (after cleansing; before your night cream). We like Renée Rouleau AHA Smoothing Serum 10% ($42, "Acids eliminate dead skin without causing irritation and help repair your barrier," says Renée Rouleau, a celebrity esthetician in Dallas and a FITNESS advisory board member.
Winter Woe: Chapped Cheeks
Your flaky, flushed face is a telltale sign that you've been braving the elements. "When you're outside for long periods, the cold air extracts moisture from your skin," says Francesca Fusco, M.D., a dermatologist in New York City. The result: cracks in the skin's barrier.
Smooth moves: Because exposure to harsh detergents and even water can strip moisture from your skin, switch to a creamy, sudsless cleanser like Aveda Botanical Kinetics Purifying Creme Cleanser ($21, or a no-rinse formula like Perricone MD Blue Plasma Cleansing Treatment ($39, Then slather on a barrier cream, which contains ceramides that fill in the tiny cracks in the skin. Try Avène Hydrance Rich Cream ($30, Still flaky? Use a 10-percent-glycolic-acid serum twice a week (after cleansing; before your night cream). We like Renée Rouleau AHA Smoothing Serum 10% ($42, "Acids eliminate dead skin without causing irritation and help repair your barrier," says Renée Rouleau, a celebrity esthetician in Dallas and a FITNESS advisory board member.
4 Easy Ways to Winter-Proof Your Hair
Cold air can leave hair dull and dry. Revive strawlike strands with our four easy-to-follow steps, then get ready to love your hair, no matter the season.
Pretreat. Before you get in the shower, apply a few drops of oil to dry hair, says Mario Russo, a salon owner in Boston. "Because water repels oil, dry hair is able to soak up the moisturizing properties better than wet hair," he says. "Shampoo at the end of your shower; the steam will help the oil penetrate to the cuticle." Try Alberto VO5 Shine, Glow & Go Beauty Oil ($5, drugstores).
Powder less. If you have a lot of breakage or dandruff, use dry shampoo sparingly. "The powder removes essential oils," explains Sunnie Brook Jones, a celebrity hairstylist for Head & Shoulders.
Mask it. Once a week, use a deep-conditioning mask. Apply it to damp strands, then cover with plastic wrap, Brook Jones says. The heat helps the treatment penetrate deeper. Try Shea Moisture Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration Masque ($13, Target stores).
Rethink your style. Heat styling is only going to add insult to injury to parched strands. "Let your hair dry naturally and experiment with ponytails, low buns and sleek, slicked-back styles," Brook Jones says.
Pretreat. Before you get in the shower, apply a few drops of oil to dry hair, says Mario Russo, a salon owner in Boston. "Because water repels oil, dry hair is able to soak up the moisturizing properties better than wet hair," he says. "Shampoo at the end of your shower; the steam will help the oil penetrate to the cuticle." Try Alberto VO5 Shine, Glow & Go Beauty Oil ($5, drugstores).
Powder less. If you have a lot of breakage or dandruff, use dry shampoo sparingly. "The powder removes essential oils," explains Sunnie Brook Jones, a celebrity hairstylist for Head & Shoulders.
Mask it. Once a week, use a deep-conditioning mask. Apply it to damp strands, then cover with plastic wrap, Brook Jones says. The heat helps the treatment penetrate deeper. Try Shea Moisture Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration Masque ($13, Target stores).
Rethink your style. Heat styling is only going to add insult to injury to parched strands. "Let your hair dry naturally and experiment with ponytails, low buns and sleek, slicked-back styles," Brook Jones says.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
How Your Friends Can Predict Your Life Span
Your BFF knows a lot about you—from your favorite snack to that time you bailed on a blind date—but could she actually know how long you're going to live? A new study shows that your closest confidante may be picking up on vital cues about your health.
Will I live a long life? is a question that has likely crossed your mind. And while you probably have a guestimate thanks to your doctor and family's medical history, you might want to talk to your close friends, too: According to a study published in Psychological Science, your circle of pals may be picking up on personality traits that reflect how long you're going to live.
The top attributes that have the biggest impact on life span: conscientiousness (good) and neuroticism (bad). "Your friends have important insights into who you are that you may miss or not be able to see," says Joshua Jackson, PhD, lead author of the study and assistant professor of psychology at Washington University in St. Louis. "The personality traits they pick up on can predict health and longevity."
The core of Jackson's discovery is based on a study carried out in the 1930s by experts who were looking for markers of a happy marriage. The researchers analyzed 300 couples and included assessments of the participants' personalities from their friends. The husband-and-wife pairs were subsequently followed up with in the 1950s and again in 1980. Through the span of decades, researchers connected the group's mannerisms with the years of their deaths.
The work may seem archaic, but under Jackson and his coauthors' modern lens, they found that the info is far from dated: "Conscientious individuals are more likely to exercise regularly, eat healthy, and avoid unsafe behaviors, such as drug and alcohol abuse or risky driving," Jackson says, adding that this type of temperament can tack on 7.5 years to your life. "But someone who is neurotic is more likely to experience stress, and is likely to cope with it through dicey behaviors, like smoking or unhealthy eating."
Curious? Send this along to your best gal pal, and see what she says.
Will I live a long life? is a question that has likely crossed your mind. And while you probably have a guestimate thanks to your doctor and family's medical history, you might want to talk to your close friends, too: According to a study published in Psychological Science, your circle of pals may be picking up on personality traits that reflect how long you're going to live.
The top attributes that have the biggest impact on life span: conscientiousness (good) and neuroticism (bad). "Your friends have important insights into who you are that you may miss or not be able to see," says Joshua Jackson, PhD, lead author of the study and assistant professor of psychology at Washington University in St. Louis. "The personality traits they pick up on can predict health and longevity."
The core of Jackson's discovery is based on a study carried out in the 1930s by experts who were looking for markers of a happy marriage. The researchers analyzed 300 couples and included assessments of the participants' personalities from their friends. The husband-and-wife pairs were subsequently followed up with in the 1950s and again in 1980. Through the span of decades, researchers connected the group's mannerisms with the years of their deaths.
The work may seem archaic, but under Jackson and his coauthors' modern lens, they found that the info is far from dated: "Conscientious individuals are more likely to exercise regularly, eat healthy, and avoid unsafe behaviors, such as drug and alcohol abuse or risky driving," Jackson says, adding that this type of temperament can tack on 7.5 years to your life. "But someone who is neurotic is more likely to experience stress, and is likely to cope with it through dicey behaviors, like smoking or unhealthy eating."
Curious? Send this along to your best gal pal, and see what she says.
Avoid Jet Bloat
Flying doesn't have to mean walking off the plane with that all-too-familiar puffy feeling: jet bloat. Three experts tell you how to beat it.
The doctor says...
"Take bathroom breaks whenever the fasten-seat-belt sign goes off to keep blood and other body fluids circulating," says Sandra Fryhofer, MD, a clinical associate professor of medicine at the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta. "Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and salt — all of which cause water retention — and drink at least 8 ounces of water for every hour in flight. Once on the ground, drink a cup of hot green tea and take 500 milligrams of vitamin B complex; both are natural diuretics."
The trainer says...
"When you can't get up and stretch, shift position in your seat at least every half hour — cross your legs, prop your feet on your carry-on, or lean forward and interlace your fingers in front of you," says Keli Roberts, creator of the Time-Saver DVD workout series. "When you land, walk for 15 minutes at a comfortable pace to get blood moving in your lower limbs."
The scientist says...
"The day before a flight involving a time difference of six hours or more, eat your meals and go to sleep three hours earlier than you normally would. This will lessen jet lag and its side effects, like bloating, by helping your body get into sync faster in the new time zone," says Hava Siegelmann, PhD, director of the biocomputation laboratory at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Trying to acclimate before you leave can help you get better adjusted — and feel less bloated — when you land.
The doctor says...
"Take bathroom breaks whenever the fasten-seat-belt sign goes off to keep blood and other body fluids circulating," says Sandra Fryhofer, MD, a clinical associate professor of medicine at the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta. "Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and salt — all of which cause water retention — and drink at least 8 ounces of water for every hour in flight. Once on the ground, drink a cup of hot green tea and take 500 milligrams of vitamin B complex; both are natural diuretics."
The trainer says...
"When you can't get up and stretch, shift position in your seat at least every half hour — cross your legs, prop your feet on your carry-on, or lean forward and interlace your fingers in front of you," says Keli Roberts, creator of the Time-Saver DVD workout series. "When you land, walk for 15 minutes at a comfortable pace to get blood moving in your lower limbs."
The scientist says...
"The day before a flight involving a time difference of six hours or more, eat your meals and go to sleep three hours earlier than you normally would. This will lessen jet lag and its side effects, like bloating, by helping your body get into sync faster in the new time zone," says Hava Siegelmann, PhD, director of the biocomputation laboratory at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Trying to acclimate before you leave can help you get better adjusted — and feel less bloated — when you land.
Failed IVF: Why IVF Fails & What You Can Do
When your body says no to in vitro, an alternate route might be the way to go. If not all the way, at least till you have gathered the provisions you need for the next round of fertility treatments.
By Julia Indichova.
Failed IVF and the Power of a Broken Heart
A failed IVF is often a time when the heart is most tender. When, after spending your life’s savings, or using up the allotment of in vitro cycles covered by your insurance, you receive the dreaded call that says: “Sorry, it didn’t work,” you find yourself standing at crossroads.Isabella
By Julia Indichova.
Failed IVF and the Power of a Broken Heart
A failed IVF is often a time when the heart is most tender. When, after spending your life’s savings, or using up the allotment of in vitro cycles covered by your insurance, you receive the dreaded call that says: “Sorry, it didn’t work,” you find yourself standing at crossroads.Isabella
The Domino Effect: How to Make a Resolution Stick
Learn how a single healthy change can stop a free fall of bad habits. Then get on the path to making 2014 your fittest, happiest year yet.
Make a Change
"It's a new year, and I need to make over every aspect of my life." Sound familiar? Take a deep breath. Experts say that focusing on a single goal can keep you from getting overwhelmed. And once you've tackled one, you'll feel motivated to keep the improvements going. Need proof? We asked eight women to spend a month adopting a healthy behavior. Their success is evidence that starting small is the best way to see big results.
Make a Change
"It's a new year, and I need to make over every aspect of my life." Sound familiar? Take a deep breath. Experts say that focusing on a single goal can keep you from getting overwhelmed. And once you've tackled one, you'll feel motivated to keep the improvements going. Need proof? We asked eight women to spend a month adopting a healthy behavior. Their success is evidence that starting small is the best way to see big results.
Suprising Ways to Get More Energy
Want to get your mojo rising? You're not alone. More than 50 percent of American women report that they simply don't have enough juice, with 29 percent of us dragging tail several times a week, according to the American Psychological Association. No wonder the promise of a quick fix—like the kind that comes in a skinny colorful can—is tempting on crazy-busy days. But reaching for stimulants like sugar and caffeine when you're running on empty only leaves you jittery and then exhausted, says Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., the author of From Fatigued to Fantastic! For calm energy that gives you mental clarity and makes you feel good, you need to fill your tank. Here are nine healthy boosters that help you do just that.
Become a Micromanager
Of energy, that is. Take a cue from tennis champs like Serena Williams: They are superfocused when hitting the ball but use their "between point" time as a quick mental and physical time- out. "As soon as they step back and take a few deep breaths, their heart rate comes down, they detach from the moment, and they clear their head, making themselves ready for their next shot," explains Jack Groppel, Ph.D., a cofounder of Johnson & Johnson's Human Performance Institute in Orlando, Florida, which teaches athletes and leaders to be more productive and successful. The same tactic works on the job, he says. Employees who break for a microburst of activity every hour—like walking over to chat with a coworker or running out to grab lunch with a friend—have more energy, particularly in the afternoon, and are also more focused and motivated, the institute's research shows. "This strategy forces you to disengage from whatever you've been doing, so you can be refreshed when you get back to it," Groppel explains. Bonus: Physical activity also relaxes tight muscles and increases oxygen to your tired brain, while the camaraderie provides social support, which, in turn, helps relieve stress.
Become a Micromanager
Of energy, that is. Take a cue from tennis champs like Serena Williams: They are superfocused when hitting the ball but use their "between point" time as a quick mental and physical time- out. "As soon as they step back and take a few deep breaths, their heart rate comes down, they detach from the moment, and they clear their head, making themselves ready for their next shot," explains Jack Groppel, Ph.D., a cofounder of Johnson & Johnson's Human Performance Institute in Orlando, Florida, which teaches athletes and leaders to be more productive and successful. The same tactic works on the job, he says. Employees who break for a microburst of activity every hour—like walking over to chat with a coworker or running out to grab lunch with a friend—have more energy, particularly in the afternoon, and are also more focused and motivated, the institute's research shows. "This strategy forces you to disengage from whatever you've been doing, so you can be refreshed when you get back to it," Groppel explains. Bonus: Physical activity also relaxes tight muscles and increases oxygen to your tired brain, while the camaraderie provides social support, which, in turn, helps relieve stress.
Energy Drink
Health Tips
Save Your Soles: A Guide to Foot Pain
Treat your feet right and they'll return the favor. Our experts reveal ways to kick the bad habits that can lead to serious foot pain.
Preventing and Soothing Problems
Maybe you were born with problem feet -- feet that turn in or out, arches that are too high or too low. Or you're dealing with foot pain that's self-inflicted, caused by tight shoes or high heels. Whatever the cause, foot pain is overwhelmingly a female problem: Experts say that 80 percent of foot surgery is performed on women. Foot doctors frown on teetery slingbacks, backless sandals and sky-high heels -- a disappointment for anyone who's ever coveted sexy stilettos or loves to lounge in flip-flops. If a shoe isn't supportive or fits poorly , say podiatrists, it's best not to wear it. Easier said than done, we know, but to avoid developing a foot problem or making one you already have worse, resist heels higher than 2 inches -- at least most of the time -- and tight squeezes (there should be about half an inch of space between your longest toe and the tip of the shoe).
Preventing and Soothing Problems
Maybe you were born with problem feet -- feet that turn in or out, arches that are too high or too low. Or you're dealing with foot pain that's self-inflicted, caused by tight shoes or high heels. Whatever the cause, foot pain is overwhelmingly a female problem: Experts say that 80 percent of foot surgery is performed on women. Foot doctors frown on teetery slingbacks, backless sandals and sky-high heels -- a disappointment for anyone who's ever coveted sexy stilettos or loves to lounge in flip-flops. If a shoe isn't supportive or fits poorly , say podiatrists, it's best not to wear it. Easier said than done, we know, but to avoid developing a foot problem or making one you already have worse, resist heels higher than 2 inches -- at least most of the time -- and tight squeezes (there should be about half an inch of space between your longest toe and the tip of the shoe).
Hormones Gone Haywire?
They're your body's secret weapon: Hormones keep your heart thumping, your digestive system churning, and your brain sharp. "Whenever you feel off, your hormones could be the cause," says Scott Isaacs, MD, an endocrinologist at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta. They can get out of kilter when you're stressed, tired, or eating poorly and create all kinds of havoc. Here, five signs that your hormones have gone rogue — and how to get them back on track.
You're Tired All the Time
"If you're logging eight hours in the sack and still waking up groggy, low progesterone levels could be stealing your sleep," says Sara Gottfried, MD, the author of The Hormone Cure. Progesterone naturally plummets with menopause, but it can begin dropping as early as your thirties, when your ovaries start releasing fewer eggs. Because the hormone regulates your internal thermostat, a low level of it may cause your body temperature to yo-yo at night, resulting in night sweats that prevent deep, restorative sleep.
You're Tired All the Time
"If you're logging eight hours in the sack and still waking up groggy, low progesterone levels could be stealing your sleep," says Sara Gottfried, MD, the author of The Hormone Cure. Progesterone naturally plummets with menopause, but it can begin dropping as early as your thirties, when your ovaries start releasing fewer eggs. Because the hormone regulates your internal thermostat, a low level of it may cause your body temperature to yo-yo at night, resulting in night sweats that prevent deep, restorative sleep.
Standing Too Much Is Just As Bad As Sitting: What To Do
A sedentary lifestyle makes you a sitting duck for heart disease, diabetes and obesity–even if you work out regularly. Follow our easy advice to increase energy, rev your metabolism and get your butt moving.
I'm a pretty healthy person, but there's a terrible habit that I do every single day. I'm actually doing it right now. And I bet you are, too. The thing is, we all know that sitting is slowly killing us. Our butt-in-the-seat lifestyle—as in desk job, commuting, Game of Thrones marathons—is raising our risk for obesity (one study found that for every two hours a day that women spent sitting and watching TV, they had a 23 percent higher risk) and cancer (a 2014 meta-analysis suggested that every two hours of sitting increases your risk for certain cancers by 8 to 10 percent), as well as diabetes, heart disease and early death (for every two hours of daily sitting while watching TV, your risk for those three increases by 20, 15 and 13 percent, respectively).
I'm a pretty healthy person, but there's a terrible habit that I do every single day. I'm actually doing it right now. And I bet you are, too. The thing is, we all know that sitting is slowly killing us. Our butt-in-the-seat lifestyle—as in desk job, commuting, Game of Thrones marathons—is raising our risk for obesity (one study found that for every two hours a day that women spent sitting and watching TV, they had a 23 percent higher risk) and cancer (a 2014 meta-analysis suggested that every two hours of sitting increases your risk for certain cancers by 8 to 10 percent), as well as diabetes, heart disease and early death (for every two hours of daily sitting while watching TV, your risk for those three increases by 20, 15 and 13 percent, respectively).
Brilliant Beauty Tips That Solve Every Problem
Feeling good about how you look has a major impact on your mood. For those mornings when a giant zit, dark circles or sad strands threaten to steal your swagger, we've got your back. Our supersimple, fast beauty fixes will have you loving your selfie in seconds.
Pump Up the Volume
When you don't have time to wash and style, take second-day hair to new heights by blasting your roots with a texturizing spray, massaging the crown of your head and then winding your hair into a high bun. Try BlowPro Blow Back Time ($20,, which boosts fullness. Before you walk into your office, undo the bun, shake it out and, voilĂ , textured waves!
Reduce Sallowness
Peach blush helps balance a sallow complexion, says Kristofer Buckle, a celebrity makeup artist. Try Benefit Majorette ($28, or Dior Cheek & Lip Glow ($37, Sephora stores) on the apples of your cheeks.
Pump Up the Volume
When you don't have time to wash and style, take second-day hair to new heights by blasting your roots with a texturizing spray, massaging the crown of your head and then winding your hair into a high bun. Try BlowPro Blow Back Time ($20,, which boosts fullness. Before you walk into your office, undo the bun, shake it out and, voilĂ , textured waves!
Reduce Sallowness
Peach blush helps balance a sallow complexion, says Kristofer Buckle, a celebrity makeup artist. Try Benefit Majorette ($28, or Dior Cheek & Lip Glow ($37, Sephora stores) on the apples of your cheeks.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Homemade Facial Masks: Recipes That Work
Forget spending time and money at your local spa. The secret to great skin is as close as your kitchen! Pamper yourself with these simple, homemade facial masks.
Banana Facial Masks
Who needs Botox when you have bananas? That’s right: You can use a banana as an all-natural, homemade facial mask that moisturizes your skin and leaves it looking and feeling softer. Mash up a medium-sized ripe banana into a smooth paste, then gently apply it to your face and neck. Let it set for 10 to 20 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water. Another popular mask recipe calls for 1/4 cup plain yogurt, 2 tablespoons honey, and 1 medium banana.
Vinegar Facial Masks
Using vinegar as a skin toner dates back to the time of Helen of Troy, and it’s just as effective today. After you wash your face, mix 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar with 2 cups water as a finishing rinse to cleanse and tighten your skin. You can also create a homemade facial mask by mixing 1/4 cup cider vinegar with 1/4 cup water. Gently apply the solution to your face and let it dry.
Banana Facial Masks
Who needs Botox when you have bananas? That’s right: You can use a banana as an all-natural, homemade facial mask that moisturizes your skin and leaves it looking and feeling softer. Mash up a medium-sized ripe banana into a smooth paste, then gently apply it to your face and neck. Let it set for 10 to 20 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water. Another popular mask recipe calls for 1/4 cup plain yogurt, 2 tablespoons honey, and 1 medium banana.
Vinegar Facial Masks
Using vinegar as a skin toner dates back to the time of Helen of Troy, and it’s just as effective today. After you wash your face, mix 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar with 2 cups water as a finishing rinse to cleanse and tighten your skin. You can also create a homemade facial mask by mixing 1/4 cup cider vinegar with 1/4 cup water. Gently apply the solution to your face and let it dry.
How to Get Smooth Skin
How to Get Smooth Skin
Be it male or female, no one likes rough, patchy or tired-looking skin. Plus, problems like acne, blemishes, wrinkles, and enlarged pores also tend to mar your beauty.
Although there are numerous skin care products on the market that promise to give you smooth and flawless skin, they can be expensive and some even have harsh ingredients that can damage your skin.
Luckily, your skin can become smooth and clear with the help of some readily available natural ingredients.
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The Best Short Haircuts and Hairstyles
Short haircuts can be intimidating, especially when it also means parting with your go-to gym ponytail. We asked Jen Atkin, a celebrity stylist for Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy, to transform three FITNESS readers and prove that short haircuts can look just as amazing as long locks but with a lot less fuss. Get inspired to switch up your style!
Sleek and Chic
Makeover motivation: "I've had long hair my whole life. I've cut it only a few times to donate it, so I've never had a real style. The long look isn't working for me anymore as a young professional, and I'm excited to get something more sophisticated."
— Victoria Phillips, online editor
Works best for: Fine hair that is straight or wavy
Key to the cut: "The blunt lines make fine hair like Victoria's appear thicker. If your hair is wavy, as hers is, the cut is much more versatile — you can wear it straight or go natural," Atkin says. "Ask your stylist to maintain blunt lines when she cuts it and to keep the length longer in the front."
Sleek and Chic
Makeover motivation: "I've had long hair my whole life. I've cut it only a few times to donate it, so I've never had a real style. The long look isn't working for me anymore as a young professional, and I'm excited to get something more sophisticated."
— Victoria Phillips, online editor
Works best for: Fine hair that is straight or wavy
Key to the cut: "The blunt lines make fine hair like Victoria's appear thicker. If your hair is wavy, as hers is, the cut is much more versatile — you can wear it straight or go natural," Atkin says. "Ask your stylist to maintain blunt lines when she cuts it and to keep the length longer in the front."
Smoothie Bowls Better Than Ice Cream
Next time you have a pint of Chunky Monkey on your mind, whip up a smoothie bowl instead. "Smoothie bowls are fast becoming a fave snack (or meal), as a healthy alternative to ice cream or frozen yogurt," says McKel Hill, a dietitian, nutritionist, and creator of Nutrition Stripped. Like good old-fashioned ice cream, smoothie bowls are cold, creamy, and thick enough to scoop with a spoon—with the added bonus of nutrient-rich fruits and veggies. Fire up the blender and give these game-changing recipes a go.
Smoothie Bowl: Carrot Cake Protein
Smoothie bowls are a fun, fresh way to get all your essential nutrients without sacrificing taste, says Casey of Casey's Wholesome Kitchen. They're thicker than regular fruit smoothies, but lighter than ice cream, so you feel satisfied, not weighed down. Exhibit A: This carrot cake protein smoothie bowl will keep you full till lunch.
Smoothie Bowl: Carrot Cake Protein
Smoothie bowls are a fun, fresh way to get all your essential nutrients without sacrificing taste, says Casey of Casey's Wholesome Kitchen. They're thicker than regular fruit smoothies, but lighter than ice cream, so you feel satisfied, not weighed down. Exhibit A: This carrot cake protein smoothie bowl will keep you full till lunch.
Easy Dessert Recipes
Good Foods
Ice Cream
Putting your Phone in Uncooked Rice can Save it from Water Damage
As you grab your submerged smartphone, you quickly go into rescue mode--what can I do to save my phone?
Fact or Fiction: Putting your Phone in Uncooked Rice can Save it from Water Damage
As you grab your submerged smartphone, you quickly go into rescue mode--what can I do to save my phone?
By Laura Merritt on December 24, 2014
Fact or Fiction: Putting your Phone in Uncooked Rice can Save it from Water Damage
Diving into a pool or ocean, enjoying a favorite beverage or dodging puddles during a rainstorm--things we’ve all likely done at one time or another. Some water-themed experiences are certainly more enjoyable than others but nothing can make that moment go south faster than seeing your smartphone go for a swim.
As you grab your submerged smartphone, you quickly go into rescue mode--what can I do to save my phone?
Fact or Fiction: Putting your Phone in Uncooked Rice can Save it from Water Damage
As you grab your submerged smartphone, you quickly go into rescue mode--what can I do to save my phone?
By Laura Merritt on December 24, 2014
Fact or Fiction: Putting your Phone in Uncooked Rice can Save it from Water Damage
Diving into a pool or ocean, enjoying a favorite beverage or dodging puddles during a rainstorm--things we’ve all likely done at one time or another. Some water-themed experiences are certainly more enjoyable than others but nothing can make that moment go south faster than seeing your smartphone go for a swim.
As you grab your submerged smartphone, you quickly go into rescue mode--what can I do to save my phone?
10 Amazing Beauty Tricks With Coconut Oil
Let's work backwards. When you think about the health benefits of coconut oil, we're going to guess that the last thing that comes to mind is rubbing the edible plant grease all over your face. Or your arms. Or your hair. But a growing body of research, countless experts, and an army of natural-beauty devotees swear by the stuff for just about everything. Are they onto something?
Yes, according to our experts. Coconut oil is used in many natural beauty products, and for good reason: It's naturally antibacterial and antifungal, it's an excellent moisturizer, it can penetrate hair better than other oils, and, well, it smells like cookies.
"Yum," says Tieraona Low Dog, MD, director of the fellowship program at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. "Is there anything more luscious than coconut oil?"
We can't think of anything. But we can think of 10 amazing uses for it in your very own home that don't require spending a fortune on store-bought products. In fact, all you need is one thing: Raw (and preferably organic) virgin coconut oil.
Coconut Oil
Need of Beauty
Women Health
8 Surprising Beauty Uses For Epsom Salt
Epsom salts aren’t just for athletes soaking their sore, tired muscles. They’re also an under-the-radar beauty treatment with a slew of benefits. "Epsom salt is a pure mineral compound—magnesium sulfate—and people don't realize that it can play a major role in their beauty routine," says Taz Bhatia, MD, founder and medical director of the Atlanta Center for Holistic and Integrative Medicine. Here are her favorite home remedies that use the drugstore buy from head to toe.
1. Pump up the volume of your hair.
Add equal parts Epsom salt, such as Dr. Teal's Epsom salt, to equal parts of your favorite conditioner, work the mixture into your hair, and leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing. The treatment will get rid of excessive oils, which can leave hair looking flat and greasy. Bhatia suggests repeating the treatment once a week.
1. Pump up the volume of your hair.
Add equal parts Epsom salt, such as Dr. Teal's Epsom salt, to equal parts of your favorite conditioner, work the mixture into your hair, and leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing. The treatment will get rid of excessive oils, which can leave hair looking flat and greasy. Bhatia suggests repeating the treatment once a week.
6 Ways To Nail The "No Makeup" Makeup Look
The holy-grail goal of makeup is to look like you're not wearing any—like you woke up with a dewy complexion, long lashes, and rosy lips. Since that can be a tall order if you're, you know, human, we put together these tips for an easy, no-makeup makeup look that'll leave everyone wondering where you got your glow.
Skip the foundation
Nothing's less natural than cakey foundation. Go for a do-it-all BB cream instead, which combines the benefits of a moisturizer, sunscreen, and foundation in one tube—but goes on without a trace. Or consider a CC cream, BB's even lighter relative. Put a few drops into your palm and warm it up by rubbing it gently with your ring or middle finger before applying, suggests San Francisco-based makeup artist Emily Kate Warren. "The heat of your palm melts the formula so it has a more liquid consistency and sinks into skin more easily when you put it on," she says.
Skip the foundation
Nothing's less natural than cakey foundation. Go for a do-it-all BB cream instead, which combines the benefits of a moisturizer, sunscreen, and foundation in one tube—but goes on without a trace. Or consider a CC cream, BB's even lighter relative. Put a few drops into your palm and warm it up by rubbing it gently with your ring or middle finger before applying, suggests San Francisco-based makeup artist Emily Kate Warren. "The heat of your palm melts the formula so it has a more liquid consistency and sinks into skin more easily when you put it on," she says.
Health Tips
Need of Beauty
Monday, March 2, 2015
4 Easy Ways to Winter-Proof Your Hair
Cold air can leave hair dull and dry. Revive strawlike strands with our four easy-to-follow steps, then get ready to love your hair, no matter the season.
Pretreat. Before you get in the shower, apply a few drops of oil to dry hair, says Mario Russo, a salon owner in Boston. "Because water repels oil, dry hair is able to soak up the moisturizing properties better than wet hair," he says. "Shampoo at the end of your shower; the steam will help the oil penetrate to the cuticle." Try Alberto VO5 Shine, Glow & Go Beauty Oil ($5, drugstores).
Powder less. If you have a lot of breakage or dandruff, use dry shampoo sparingly. "The powder removes essential oils," explains Sunnie Brook Jones, a celebrity hairstylist for Head & Shoulders.
Mask it. Once a week, use a deep-conditioning mask. Apply it to damp strands, then cover with plastic wrap, Brook Jones says. The heat helps the treatment penetrate deeper. Try SheaMoisture Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration Masque ($13, Target stores).
Rethink your style. Heat styling is only going to add insult to injury to parched strands. "Let your hair dry naturally and experiment with ponytails, low buns and sleek, slicked-back styles," Brook Jones says.
Pretreat. Before you get in the shower, apply a few drops of oil to dry hair, says Mario Russo, a salon owner in Boston. "Because water repels oil, dry hair is able to soak up the moisturizing properties better than wet hair," he says. "Shampoo at the end of your shower; the steam will help the oil penetrate to the cuticle." Try Alberto VO5 Shine, Glow & Go Beauty Oil ($5, drugstores).
Powder less. If you have a lot of breakage or dandruff, use dry shampoo sparingly. "The powder removes essential oils," explains Sunnie Brook Jones, a celebrity hairstylist for Head & Shoulders.
Mask it. Once a week, use a deep-conditioning mask. Apply it to damp strands, then cover with plastic wrap, Brook Jones says. The heat helps the treatment penetrate deeper. Try SheaMoisture Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration Masque ($13, Target stores).
Rethink your style. Heat styling is only going to add insult to injury to parched strands. "Let your hair dry naturally and experiment with ponytails, low buns and sleek, slicked-back styles," Brook Jones says.
What Your Acne Is Trying to Tell You
Just as the lines on your palms could be a window into your future, your breakouts could give you a look at what's going on inside your body. We're referring to the concept of face mapping, a practice that was used in ancient Chinese medicine that correlates areas of the face with internal organs. We asked Dr. Michael Shapiro, medical director and founder of Vanguard Dermatology, to decode the most common areas for acne, what could be causing it, and how to fix it from the inside out.
The Cause: Hormones, stress, gynecological issues, and dirty hands can all be culprits to breakouts on your chin.
The Fix: Taking Omega-3 vitamins can help keep hormones in balance and ease breakouts, while sipping on spearmint tea can ease stress. If acne worsens, consider talking to your gynecologist about your hormone levels. Also, remember to keep your hands clean and away from your face to keep acne-causing bacteria from being transferred.
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