Saturday, April 4, 2015

Different Types of Acne

Scars from acne can seem like double punishment — first you had to deal with the pimples, now you have marks as a reminder.
What's your go-to source for information about acne?

It helps to understand the different kinds of acne so you can figure out what to do about different types of scarring: Acne lesions or pimples happen when the hair follicles (or "pores") on the skin become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. A plugged follicle is the perfect place for bacteria to grow and create the red bumps and pus-filled red bumps known as pimples.

Acne comes in different forms:

    mild acne, which refers to the whiteheads or blackheads that most of us get at various times
    moderate acne, which includes red inflamed pimples called papules and red pimples with white centers called pustules
    severe acne, which causes nodules — painful, pus-filled cysts or lumps — to appear under the skin

Most serious scarring is caused by the more severe forms of acne, with nodules more likely to leave permanent scars than other types of acne.

The best approach is to get treatment for acne soon after it appears to prevent further severe acne and more scarring. If you have nodules, see your doctor or dermatologist for treatment.
Treating Acne Scars

Most of the time, those reddish or brownish acne marks that are left behind after a pimple eventually fade with no need for treatment. Picking or squeezing acne can increase the risk for scarring, though.

Acne scars take two forms:

    scars with a gradual dip or depression (sometimes called "rolling" scars)
    scars that are deep and narrow

A person's acne needs to be under control before scars can be treated.
Mild vs. Severe Scarring

Treatments depend on how severe the scars are. In some cases, a doctor or dermatologist may suggest a chemical peel or microdermabrasion to help improve the appearance of scarred areas. These milder treatments can be done right in the office.

If you have serious scarring from previous bouts with acne, there are several things you can do:

    Laser resurfacing. This procedure can be done in the doctor's or dermatologist's office. The laser removes the damaged top layer of skin and tightens the middle layer, leaving skin smoother. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. The doctor will try to lessen any pain by first numbing the skin with local anesthesia. It usually takes between 3 and 10 days for the skin to heal completely.
    Dermabrasion. This treatment uses a rotating wire brush or spinning diamond instrument to wear down the surface of the skin. As the skin heals, a new, smoother layer replaces the abraded skin. It may take a bit longer for skin to heal using dermabrasion — usually between 10 days and 3 weeks.

    Fractional laser therapy. This type of treatment works at a deeper level than laser resurfacing or dermabrasion, Because fractional laser therapy doesn't wound the top layer of tissue, healing time is shorter. Someone who has had this type of treatment may just look a bit sunburned for a couple of days.

For "rolling" scars, doctors sometimes inject material under the scar to raise it to the level of normal skin. Finally, in some cases, a doctor may recommend surgery to remove deeply indented scars.

One thing you shouldn't do to deal with acne scars is load up your face with masks or fancy lotions — these won't help and may irritate your skin further, making the scars red and even more noticeable.

If you have a red or brownish mark on your face that you got from a bad zit, it should eventually fade. However, it may take 12 months or longer. Talk to your doctor if you're upset about acne marks; he or she may have advice on what you can do.

Best All Natural Remedies for Acne

Surprising Natural Remedies for Acne that Work Better Than Over-the-Counter Treatments

There are many options for all natural remedies for acne. So, how do you choose which ones to try?

The ones I have included in my list of the top 10 all natural remedies for acne, are ones that I have found to work the best and are the most powerful! Everyone is different, and it may require some experimentation to find what works best for you! But most importantly, don’t give up!

After having acne for many years, I have tried nearly every possible remedy and treatment. I even, hate to say it, tried prescription treatments. But, the funny thing is, after trying everything, I found the natural remedies for acne have worked the best! Seriously!

My acne started around age 13 and only progressed to get worse! My mother always told me, just wait until after high school, it will get better. But those years came and went with no change. Then, I had hoped by the end of college I would definitely be better, but yep, you guessed it, four years later, it was only worse!

All through high school and college, I searched for years trying to find help, but nothing seemed to work. It didn’t seem fair because for some people, they improved with age. This is because acne it seems is sometimes just a temporary occurrence due to changes in hormones, but for me and many others that isn’t the case!
Causes of Acne Your Doctor Will Never Tell You!

1. First of all, don’t trust anyone! By this I mean doctors and dermatologists will tell you that diet doesn’t matter, natural remedies for acne don’t work, that it’s just hormones and there’s nothing you can do but take their prescriptions. But, that’s not true!
2. What you eat matters! It so important to watch what you’re putting into your body. Avoid all processed foods, eat real foods and make sure to get enough fats into your diet, such as avocados and coconut oil. According to Natural News, Dairy can be a problem and this should be avoided, along with refined sugar.
3. Get a blood test! Test your blood for vitamins and nutrients to make sure you aren’t deficient in anything. Here are a few main ones to make sure you include; vitamin A and zinc. Also, it may be a good idea to check your thyroid and your hormone levels (progesterone and testosterone).
4. Allergens! Your acne may be a result of an allergy. Determine if there are any possible allergens that may be causing your acne, such as gluten, which may reduce the amount of nutrients absorbed. Other common allergens are dairy, yeast and eggs. Delayed food allergies may affect you especially if you have a leaky gut.
10 Best All Natural Remedies for Acne:

Friday, April 3, 2015

Me and my love :)

How to Be Happy

Happiness–it's what we all strive to find and keep, even when it's as elusive as ever. Nobody is jolly and elated all the time, but some individuals are definitely more fulfilled than others. Studies reveal that happiness has little to do with materialistic needs, goods, or wants, or high achievement; it boils down to your outlook on life, the quality of your relationships, and basic amenities like good governance and community resources.
    Be optimistic. You can influence your happiness in a multitude of ways. It's the totality of all you think, do and experience. "Hardship builds strength of character and toughness."; so, happiness is closely related to a hopeful, acceptance of life's challenges. What works? In the 1970s, researchers followed people who'd won the lottery and found that a year afterward, they were no happier than people who hadn't. This is called hedonic adaptation[1] which suggests that we can expect to return to a baseline level of happiness. No matter what events occur, good or bad, the effect on ones happiness is temporary, and happiness tends to quickly revert to the baseline level. Some people have a higher baseline happiness level than others, and that is due in part to genetics, but it's also largely influenced by how you think.
        Accumulate all the little joyful things that happen to you during the day. They add up. You could keep a journal, and write them down. For example, if there was not bad traffic on the road, if you had a very scrumptious breakfast, if your friend said something uproariously humorous that made you laugh, if you took your dog out for a walk in the park and played with it, add these together. Your outlook can begin to brighten.
        Think deeply grateful thoughts for the things you have. This is a very effective way to become more happy. If you feel grateful for the things you have, you not only become more happy, but it also helps you to bring more good feelings into your life.
        View the glass as half-full instead of half-empty. Your girlfriend/ boyfriend broke up with you? Now you have the chance to meet someone good for you! You lost your job? Now you can seize the opportunity to find a better one! Adjust your mentality so that, in each thing that happens, you see some kernel of good, and say hopeful words, "It will be all right!", or "It's going to be good.", or "I'll keep expecting good results."
        Put yourself in situations where fortunate things are likely to be achieved or happen where preparation meets opportunity. It's easier to remain optimistic, if you set yourself up for success. Cheating on a partner, or stealing someone's bicycle — while temporarily thrilling — rarely ends well for any party involved. Ask yourself before you act out: Am I setting myself up for success or for failure?
    Assess yourself. Figure out, and focus on what is really "it" for you (family, education, career, relationship, marriage, etc.), at least as you see it now. Consider your pathway, for example: You choose your career objectives. In school, you get to choose your personal "high school plan" and then, possibly, your "college degree plan", etc. When ready, write your individual clear short, medium and long-term goals, for your career-/life-path: Plan how to begin, and then start. Follow-through on your ideas, goals and plans to see your future develop. Work it out by achieving your goals in steps. But, do not just work harder but work smarter; so, continue branching-out, achieving your goals, adding to your kind of progress, all your life.
        Follow the path of "cause-and-effect" -- as life is exactly like that. See what goals you need as causes that will bring the effects needed. If possible find something you love or like to do, most especially when you make a crucial decision -- choosing education, career, training, buying a house, showing love to your spouse and children, family and friends... Look for possibilities of what may be caused by long-term results of your decisions and your actions. When you think of your current situation (however hard it may be) -- then think of how much harder some other people have it, in any aspect. So, be glad that you are not in that worse situation, and enjoy your life! Say: "It could be worse." Be alert and eager, mentally leaning forward and reaching toward what you want to grasp, enjoying learning and improving for years of daily growth and satisfaction.

Home Remedies for Acne & Pesky Pimples

Acne Your skin is your friend. You like your skin. Your skin likes you. It protects you from the elements and literally keeps you together. You in turn do your best to protect it from any kind of damage. Then, one day, acne rears its ugly head, and you suddenly hate your skin. What do you do then? Turn to harsh chemicals, and expensive scrubs? That’s a fine way to thank a friend who’s been there for you since day one. Your epidermis isn’t at fault here-it can’t help that your hormones are causing all that extra sebum to clog up your pores, or the fact that bacteria is running rampant. If your skin could talk it would say something along the lines of “patience, grasshopper. Treat me right and I shall repay you in kind.”

That’s just a guess, anyways. The point is, natural acne remedies are a good way to get rid of it, or at least hold it at bay. They make you step back and really figure out what’s going on with your skin, and how to work with it. Chances are, your skin will repay you in kind for not simply ravaging it with strange chemicals-and your wallet will probably thank you too.

1. Apply some apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a powerhouse when it comes to acting as an acne remedy. Why? It kills off the bacteria that may be causing all the trouble in the first place. It also becomes alkaline, and balances the pH of your skin, which in turn makes it harder for bacteria to thrive. To top it off it’s an astringent, like lemon juice, and will help dry up excess oil. Keeping that in mind, don’t overdo and dry out your skin too much. This could cause the sebaceous glands overproduce to compensate, therefore triggering an outbreak.

You will need…
-Pure unfiltered apple cider vinegar
-Fresh water

Wash your face with water and pat dry. Using a ratio of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water, dip a cotton ball into vinegar and apply it directly to the blemish. Leave on for at least 10 minutes, or overnight. Reapply several times a day, washing face thoroughly after each time. Make sure to use a moisturizer afterwards as well if you feel like your skin is getting dry.

Apply Some Apple Cider Vinegar

2. Make a cinnamon and honey mask

Honey is sticky, and cinnamon is spicy, and it seems like they’re both things you’d want to avoid getting near your skin. Surprisingly, while it may sound strange, honey and cinnamon make a (literally) killer combo when it comes to acne. Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties, so it can help stop bacteria from getting out of hand. If it does, the honey is a natural anti-biotic, ready and waiting to wipe the little buggers out.

You will need…
-2 tablespoons of honey
-1 teaspoon of cinnamon
- paper towels

Rinse your face with water and pat dry. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon together until they are thoroughly blended and have formed a sort of paste. Apply the mask to your face (or spot treat) and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off completely, and pat your face dry. This is a sticky mixture, so make sure you have some paper towels at on hand.

Stay Safe Online: 10 Ways To Protect Yourself

This is LB C 97.3's guide for how to stay safe online - covering hacking, phishing, trolling, email scams and cyber bullying.

computer security On Sunday 24th February at 7am, James Max will be joined by James Ball, a data journalist from The Guardian, who will be answering your questions on how to stay safe on the internet.

Follow these guidelines to avoid
How To Stay Safe On The Internet

1) Don’t use lazy passwords
If your account is hacked, it's often because someone has worked out your password. Never use a password that anyone could guess or work out - a middle name, pet's name or favourite football team. Include capital letters, numbers and punctuation for extra security. So if your pet is called Hamish, try using the password Ham15h!

And never use the same password for different accounts. That will mean when people can get into one of your accounts, they can access everything.

2) Be careful what you post online
Everything you write on a social network is public, so don't give out any personal details, such as your address, bank details etc. That would be the equivalent of shouting the details out of the window. Don't write that you are going on holiday, as that leaves you vulnerable to burglars.

Many employers also google prospective employees before hiring, so don't post anything that could damage your chances of getting a job.

3) If you are a victim of cyberbullying, do not answer back
The rule for dealing with cyberbullies is to "stop, block and tell". Don't answer back, as that will only feed the abuse, block the person or message and tell someone you trust.

The new lolzNOTtrolls campaign provides dos and don'ts to help stop online bullying.
Do own everything you say
Do speak only for yourself
Do be the same friend online as you are in person
Do think about the effect your post will have on other people
Do report it if you see any of your friends being bullied.

Don't say anything online you wouldn't say to someone's face
Don't write if if you wouldn't be happy for your Mum to read it
Don't respond to anyone who is being negative towards you - don't feed the troll
Don't write/post anything you aren't 100% happy to be made public - as it will be out there forever
Don't say anything you wouldn't be happy to have said to you

3) Never open email attachments or click on links from strangers
Viruses are often spread via attachments on emails, so if you don't know what an attachment is, do not open it.   Never open .EXE attachments.

The same is true of links. Even if it looks like a safe link, it may be forwarding to somewhere you weren't expecting.

4) Watch out for email scams
Spoof emails are very common, ranging from Nigerian princes asking for a short-term loan to proper-looking companies asking you for personal information. This is called phishing. If you get an email from someone like a bank, eBay or PayPal, saying there is a problem with your account, forward it to the company in question to get confirmation it's from them. Most companies will never ask you to tell them your password.

Try searching on Google for similar scams. For example, Nationwide bank has an archive of known email scams in circulation.

5) Even emails from friends can be suspicious
Robert Fox, a journalist for the Evening Standard, told of how his email contacts were all sent an email saying he was stuck in Cyprus after having his passport and wallet stolen and asking for money. Some of his friends did this.

All of this was done when a hacker got into his account, changed passwords and locked him out.

7) If you're doing online banking, use all the banks security recommendations
Many banks will recommend adding a piece of software which guards against hackers. Do it. That will give your account maximum protection. For example, HSBC uses a programme called Rapport. Only complete online transactions where the URL starts with 'https' and not just 'http'. The 's' stands for secure.

Don't do internet banking on computers that may be infected. Again, remember your bank will never ask for your login details via email, text or phone.

8) If you get hacked, change your password immediately
Often, when you are hacked, a spam email will be sent to all your contacts. If you find out this has happened, change your password to something completely different immediately.

Alert the people that may have received a spam email from your account to delete it immediately without opening it.

9) Read the small print
When you're signing up for an account, make sure you look for the box near the bottom, which asks if you want to receive more information. Some require you to tick them to opt-in, some require you to tick them to opt-out, so read it carefully. Only fill in the mandatory boxes, marked with an asterisk *.
Some companies will sell your personal data, so make sure you take time to tick/ unpick the right boxes.

10) Use a firewall, anti-virus programmer and anti-spyware programmer
You can use Windows' own firewall, or a third-party, such as Norton or McAfee. But make sure you don't use both as they can interfere with each other.
- A firewall will stop unauthorized people hacking on to your computer.
- Anti-virus programmers will guard your computer from viruses which could destroy your computer.
- Anti-spyware will look out for programmers such as keyloggers and Trojans which spy on your computer use in an attempt to learn passwords or account details.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

How to dress for spring? Think Kimmy Schmidt

With spring finally coming, what styles should I wear to mark the new season?

Colours! Bright, bright colours! As you rightly note, Carolyn, it looks as if the tedium of winter has finally passed. (Winter is rarely bitter in Britain – there is none of the bone-shattering cold and mountains of snow that I associated with winter when I lived in the US. Instead, winter in south-east England is not “bitter”, or “bleak” or “cruel” or any of the words the poets traditionally use for winter – it’s just tedious. Try to create beauty out of that, Christina Rossetti.)

But this weekend, we were able to emerge, blinking and dazed, from our duffel coats and central heating, like beleaguered woodland creatures awakening from a long hibernation. But how to celebrate this momentous (if, admittedly, annual) occasion? Look, I could spin you a line about how you absolutely have to wear a knit skirt from Céline or buy a pair of Prada clogs in order to ring in the arrival of spring 2015. But – dammit! – I’m not going feed you that guff. No, I’m going to rebel. Think of me as your friendly renegade, the Axel Foley of fashion writers, one who just won’t toe the line pushed by the dyspeptic police captain because I am too busy determinedly pursuing the truth. And going to pole-dancing clubs. Wait, sorry, that’s just Axel Foley, not me.
Red-carpet revolt? Get real, the Oscars will always be about the dress
Read more

Anyway, as I was saying, I’m pursuing the truth and the truth is colour. I know we should all wear colour in winter to cheer us up but when it is grey outside my wardrobe somehow takes on a grey pallor of its own, like a sartorial chameleon. So when the sun finally breaks through I go from being a grey-and-black beast to someone bearing a remarkable resemblance to Kimmy Schmidt.

Who is this Kimmy Schmidt, you ask? She is only the protagonist of Tina Fey’s new sitcom, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, starring the delightful ray-of-sunshine-as-human Ellie Kemper. Kemper plays the eternally optimistic Schmidt, who keeps smiling despite a slew of hurdles that would drag any other person down (the theft of her life savings in a nightclub, working for the Manhattan teenager from hell, the loss of 15 years of her life to an apocalyptic cult). I’ve only watched two episodes so far but I already like it a lot – not as much as 30 Rock, obviously, but then that’s a vertiginously high bar to scale. I like the use of tacky New York settings (not enough TV shows foreground the awfulness of Times Square), I really like the weirdness of the premise (who among us isn’t fascinated by what happens to people when they escape from a cult?) and I especially like Kimmy’s delightful cheerfulness. Part of the joke of the show is, of course, that Kimmy maintains her happy mien while all around her grumble, even though she has the most to complain about. But I think watching the show from Britain gives it a slightly different spin: Kimmy’s good cheer isn’t so much as notable as downright exotic.

There are many confusing things about moving from America to Britain. There’s the different definition of “rubber”, which can lead to all sorts of confusions. There’s the lurking panic that you’re driving on the wrong side of the road. And most painful of all, THEY DON’T SELL TWIZZLERS IN BRITAIN! But for me, the most bemusing is the very British attitude that the cup is not only half-empty, but because it’s always like that no one ever expected any more, and it’s bloody typical, really. Optimism is dismally uncool, let alone any sign that one might be trying to improve things, because things are never really improved anyway, are they, oh well, let’s have a cup of tea. This is not the British attitude Mary Poppins led me to expect of this country. When an American goes on holiday and finds the hotel lacking, they will complain vociferously to the manager and take to the TripAdvisor comments board because they truly believe that matters can get better; if a Briton goes to this same disappointing hotel, they will simply spend the whole week grumbling away to their spouse and any fellow British guests. I understand why hoteliers dread American guests, but I think they are underestimating the toxicity of the British ones.

All of which is to say, watching Kimmy Schmidt be lauded for her cheeriness, as opposed to being mocked and knocked, is a balm for my soul. Also, with the seasons now turning, I am especially admiring of Kimmy’s characteristically cheery wardrobe. As far as I can tell from the first two episodes, Kimmy has only one outfit but I enjoy it immensely. She looks like a model for Kate Spade – a brilliant label that should be far more appreciated in this country – with her pink trousers, patterned blouse and yellow embellished cardigan. How can anyone be glum in such an outfit? And how can anyone be glum looking at it? I’m not a massive fan of her flashing trainers (the show emphasises that they are just an expression of her stunted childhood so I expect they’ll be jettisoned soon). But the colours? Never. Look at Kimmy, Britain, and learn from her. This season is all about Kimmy, and beyond, too.


How can I be fashionable without any money?

One of the biggest misconceptions that exists about fashion – and there are many – is that it requires money. No question, the fault for this lies with fashion writers because we tend to write mainly about big (read: expensive) brands. There are several reasons for this, none of which, incidentally, are the ones most people assume, namely, that fashion writers are idiots and think everyone out there spends their Saturday mornings at Louis Vuitton, or, alternatively, that fashion writers are basically a load of Mean Girls, here to make everyone else feel miserable about their un-bling lifestyle.

Rather, the answer is far more prosaic, which is French for "boring": fashion writers are quite lazy. Expensive brands have more money to send out press releases, hold shows, pay for advertising. Therefore, fashion writers are basically spoon-fed the information without having to go out and look for it. (Some fashion writers, of course, are obliged to write nice things about expensive brands because the brands advertise in their publication. Happily, that is not a problem here at the Guardian, where the only fashion I ever see regularly advertised is men's slacks from the Guardian store. And jolly stylish they are too, I'd wager my Guardian store-bought hat on it.)

And that, Gen Y, is the rub when it comes to fashionable cheap clothes: they require effort to find. Which is not to say that all expensive things are nice (to be honest, a lot of expensive stuff looks to me like it comes from Imelda Marcos's garage sale), but it is at least more visible. Good cheap stuff requires some nosing out on your part.

First, go to charity shops – but not just any charity shops, go to ones in posh areas. This was one of the best fashion tips I got as a teenager and it has honestly never let me down. I once found the niftiest little Dior bag in Oxfam on London's Kensington High Street and a dream of a dress from Oxfam on Westbourne Grove near Portobello, also in London. (Incidentally, this has nothing to do with fashion but you can always find an excellent selection of books in charity shops in north London, Cambridge and Oxford because so many book reviewers live there, so there are often books in charity shops that aren't even in book shops yet.)

Next, go shopping in your closet. There are – I promise – many things in your cupboard at home that you've forgotten about: that skirt you bought on holiday three years ago, that T-shirt that's wedged between two drawers, those sandals stuck under the dresser. Spend one Sunday taking everything out, going through it all and reacquainting yourself with your wardrobe. Then take all the stuff you really don't like to the charity shop so another Gen Y-er can help themselves to it. And even if you don't find anything, at least you've cleaned out your closet, which is nice.

Find out when sales and sample sales happen. For sample sales, look in your local papers, keep an eye out for notices on lamp-posts in your area and ask in shops (the worst they can say is: "We don't have one.") As for sales, look on the websites of stores you like or simply ask in the stores. Then be quick on the draw on the sale day, either by queueing outside in the cold (don't do this) or being on the internet by 9am (do this).

Learn how to sew. This is the one tip on the list that I've never followed, so I feel pretty hypocritical throwing it back at you, Gen Y. But my friends who can sew invariably have the loveliest wardrobes, and they spend about a 50th of what I spend on clothes. If you can sew, you can copy designs out of magazines (and tweak them to your liking). Even if you can't make a whole dress, little jazzy touches will make the blandest of clothing a billion times better: sewing on snazzy buttons, for example, or putting on some piping, or not going around in dresses covered in moth holes and decked with trailing hems, as some of us do because we never learned to bloody sew. Also, it means you won't have to stoop to buying cheap clothes from companies who manufacture their goods unethically, which is probably the best reason of all to get that sewing needle out.

But most of all, have a good attitude. The reason people like buying new, fashionable things is because they make them feel good about themselves. So much about fashion just comes down to attitude – look at Kate Moss, who these days looks as if she's just stepped out of an All Saints advertorial, but nonetheless has an intractable air of fashionability because of her attitude. So walk tall, Gen Y-ers, walk tall! No, you might not be carrying the Chanel swag about your person (although you might – honestly, that Oxfam in Kensington is a goldmine), but you're still looking good, so enjoy it. Yes, I know being twentysomething sucks (believe me – I know), and I know it feels especially tough now. But trust me, all this will pass. You're all young and hungry and ambitious – all will work out. Now walk tall and wear that wonky dress with pride. You're Gen-Y, and you'll be fine.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

10 Things to Remember When You Feel Alone

On this planet of more than 7 billion people, many of us still feel so alone from time to time. As paradoxical as that seems, most everyone can relate to these feelings and experiences them at some point in their lives. Are these feelings unnecessary? Not always; every emotion we feel can unearth a hidden lesson and deeper meaning that we might have missed by not paying attention to our feelings.

However, next time you feel a wave of loneliness overcome you, try to remember the following advice to help you sift through those emotions.
10 Things to Remember When Feeling Alone
1. Feeling lonely reflects your relationship with yourself.

How many times have you gone out with new friends, or even old friends, wondering why you feel so alone in a group of people? It happens to the best of us. But, if you dig into those feelings a little deeper, you might find that you actually feel disconnected from yourself, and therefore have trouble relating to others. Spend time nourishing your relationship with yourself, and give yourself the attention you deserve. Many people look for any sort of distraction to avoid themselves, whether it be people, alcohol, drugs, food, or shopping. Learn to enjoy your own company, and you will slowly start to improve your connection to yourself and the world around you.
2. There are always friends or groups with common interests out there.

Connecting with like-minded people can quickly dissolve any feelings of isolation, so consider joining local groups to make new connections. Do you like hiking? Cooking? Painting? Running? Well, in most big cities, and even smaller ones, you can find tons of organizations that have weekly or monthly meetups for a wide variety of interests. Maybe you just need to make some new friends that you have more in common with, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and introduce yourself to new experiences.
3. Most people have been in your shoes at some point.

Almost everyone on this planet experiences loneliness; we all are just trying to figure things out together, so you’re not alone in feeling alone. This life is just an experiment, and no one has all the answers. To reassure yourself, you could even ask someone at the bus stop or at work if they ever feel alone. Most likely, they will answer “yes,” and you might even make a new friend in the process. Don’t mask your feelings; just embrace them and don’t ever doubt that someone out there can relate to how you feel.
4. By allowing yourself to get lost, you will find yourself.

We all have grown up in a molded society that tells us who to be, what to buy, and what to believe. However, when you detach yourself from all the noise and expectations, and create your own path, you get to redefine yourself. Or, invent yourself if you never had the chance to. Don’t fear the unknown; just take a couple steps into new territory and let your curiosity replace any apprehension you may feel.
5. You originate from the same unseen force as everything else.

Every life form on Earth comes from the same place you did, which connects us all automatically. Our separateness is just an illusion, but a very powerful one at that. Next time you feel isolated, go outside into nature and look at the flowers blooming, the birds chasing each other playfully through the forest, or even just the clouds in the sky. Become still within yourself, and you will soon remember that you are an intrinsic part of everything that surrounds you.
6. Learn to go with the flow in life.

Whatever happens, just accept it and keep on walking your path. Everything you encounter, whether good or bad, will guide you on your journey back home and teach you valuable lessons. Oftentimes, we insulate ourselves from life out of fear, or because we have the same old memories playing on a loop in our minds. Don’t let the past dictate your present; just let the universe carry you along effortlessly, and allow your actions to proceed your thoughts. The best things happen when we don’t overthink, and just live.
7. Helping others helps us, too.

If you long for attention and understanding, chances are that someone else craves these things too. Take your mind off your own needs for a while, and offer your words or hands to someone else. This will help change your perspective, and remind you of all your blessings that others may not even have. Plus, it will help you form a bond with a stranger, and give you a sense of satisfaction knowing you made someone else’s life a little bit better.
8. All is always well.

Sometimes, we all just need to reassure ourselves and be our own rock when we feel depressed. Feeling human emotions should never be a cause for anger or embarrassment; just give into your feelings, and cry or get angry if you need to. Pick yourself back up, and tell yourself that you will always be there for you. You can’t be lonely if you love your own company, and part of that means consoling yourself on bad days. It’s okay to be human.
9. This is an opportunity to evaluate what you can change.

What makes you feel stuck and isolated about your current situation? Can you change it? If so, come up with some solutions instead of dwelling on the problems. If you don’t get enough human interaction on a day-to-day basis, consider doing something small, like going to your local coffee shop a few times a week. You can meet amazing people in any given place or time; you just have to put yourself in situations that allow connections to happen.
10. You can always love yourself.

Don’t wait until you feel bouncing-off-the-walls happy to love yourself. Don’t wait until you have lost thirty pounds, earned more money, gotten a new job, moved to a new place, made friends, or gone on a date to love yourself. Love starts and ends with you, so start loving yourself today. Love the pain and joy you experience, and remember to love your loneliness, too.

How to Make a Chocolate Cake

Are you looking to make a delicious chocolate cake? There are so many variations that it might be difficult to choose a single recipe. Here's a simple one to get you started along with several variations to suit the occasion.


    1 1/2 cup (192 grams) flour
    1 cup (201 grams) sugar
    1/2 teaspoon (7 grams) salt
    1 teaspoon (2 grams) baking soda
    3 tablespoons (43 grams) cocoa
    1 tablespoon (15 ml) vinegar
    6 tablespoons (90 ml) oil
    1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla essence or 2 tsp. (2ml) vanilla extract (optional)
    1 cup (200 ml) water
    2 eggs

Sift the dry ingredients together. The dry ingredients are: flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, and cocoa. Simply place everything in a sifter and shake it back and forth over a bowl to eliminate the clumps.

Stir in the liquid ingredients and stir well. These are the vinegar, oil, vanilla, water and egg. Some people like to add these ingredients individually, but others stir them together in a second bowl and before adding them to the dry ingredients.

Pour the mixture into an 8-inch greased and floured round pan. The grease and flour will keep the mix from sticking to the pan.

Bake at 350 °F (177 °C). (175 C.) for 30 minutes.

Let the cake cool for 5 minutes.

Frost as desired.

8 Do-It-Yourself Home Face Masks

Facials are a great way to keep your skin glowing, but they can be pricey. We asked Louisa Macan-Graves, author of Hollywood Beauty Secrets: Remedies to the Rescue, and Elda Argenti, owner of the Plantogen skincare line, for their favorite make-at-home face masks crafted from common household ingredients.

For All Skin Types

Brighten: Cut a slice of ripe papaya and remove the seeds and pulp (save the pulp for a snack later—it's great for digestion). Rub the inside of the papaya peel on your cleansed face, focusing on lines around the mouth and eyes, crow's feet, thinning temples, neck and hands. Let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse with tepid water. This mask can be done twice a week. "The enzymes in papaya exfoliate, repair sun damage, diminish age spots and smooth skin. Your skin will look brighter, with a more polished finish," says Macan-Graves.

Exfoliate: Combine 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp olive oil. Separately, prepare a packet of plain oatmeal, using less water than called for so it forms a thick paste. Next, add the honey and olive oil mixture to the cooked oatmeal. Apply as a scrub, gently rubbing it in small circles over your skin, avoiding the eye area. Rinse off with warm water and pat dry. This mask can be done twice weekly. "The oatmeal in this scrub exfoliates, while the honey and olive oil moisturize," says Argenti.

Cleanse: "Believe it or not, I love to cleanse with oil," says Argenti. For this facial, she combines 1 Tbsp plain Greek yogurt with 2 tsp olive oil and 1/2 tsp lemon oil (not to be confused with lemon juice; lemon oil is an essential oil that can be found at health food stores). The mixture should be a little bit runny but not easily poured out. Massage it over skin, then immediately wipe it off with a washcloth soaked in tepid water. This can be done daily. "You want to use good-quality oil and you'll be surprised at how clean your skin will feel," says Argenti. "You don't need a harsher product, even for skin with acne. Just be careful around the eye area…[the mixture] tends to be very sticky."

For Oil- and Blemish-Prone Skin

Lift & Tighten: Combine 2 Tbsp plain yogurt with 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice (the juice of one lemon) and apply to your cleansed face and neck. Let it dry for 20 to 30 minutes. You'll feel the mask tighten on your face and neck, which creates a lifting and firming effect. Leave it on longer (up to one hour) for even more face-lifting effects. Once done, rinse with tepid water followed by a cool rinse. This mask can be done two to three times a week or whenever you need a face lift. "This instant face-lifting mask helps fade age-spots, acne scars and even helps keep blemishes and acne in check. It also gets rid of uneven-looking skin tone," says Macan-Graves.

Tone: This toning eye treatment helps to "de-puff, relax, refresh and energize your skin," says Argenti. "It's much more cooling than the traditional cucumber slices." After cleansing your skin, brew a cup of chamomile or green tea and allow it to cool. Then soak two clean, round makeup sponges in the tea and squeeze out any excess liquid. Place one on each of your eyes for 15 minutes. Do this daily. "You need to use an alcohol-free toner on your skin to cleanse and tighten pores. Alcohol is very detrimental, and tea works just as well," adds Argenti.

For Dry Skin

Soothe: Combine 2 Tbsp honey with 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Apply to your clean face and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with tepid water followed by a cool rinse. This can be done three times a week. "This mask heals, moisturizes and balances the pH of the skin," says Macan-Graves. "Honey is a humectant and natural antibiotic that heals and moisturizes. Apple cider vinegar helps balance the pH of skin and soothes damaged skin."

Moisturize: Macan-Graves recommends oatmeal and fennel to help moisturize dry skin. Grind 1 Tbsp oatmeal in a blender and set aside. Add 1 Tbsp fennel seeds to 1/2 cup boiling water to make a tea. Allow the seeds to steep for 10 minutes; strain the seeds and discard. Let it cool down to room temperature and then combine 1 Tbsp of the fennel tea with 1 Tbsp ground oatmeal and 1 Tbsp honey. Apply the mixture to your clean face and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with tepid water followed by a cool rinse. This mask can be done twice weekly.

Brighten: Combine 2 Tbsp sour cream with 2 Tbsp honey and 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Apply to your cleansed face and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with tepid water followed by a cool (not cold) rinse. This mask can be done twice a week. "This mask heals, exfoliates, brightens and moisturizes skin. It refines pores, fades acne marks and prevents blemishes from coming up," says Macan-Graves.

Beautiful Summer Nails Ideas

Nails play an important role on women’s look. Not only they can make your hands sparkle, but they can actually show that you care about your looks.And for this spring/summer bright color nails are a huge trend.

The good thing of nail designs is that you don’t have to put fake nails in order to achieve it; you can perfectly let you nails grow a little bit so the design looks fuller.

All for fashion design has tried both fake nails and my own long natural nails and let me tell you both ways look stunning; but if you are not a fan of fake nails then it’s okey, nail designs come in all different styles that can even suit to short nails.
Some of the hottest trend for this season are neon; animal prints; florals, french design; rhinestone and a lot more; in few words everything you can imagine. All for fashion design has collected below 32 of the most beautiful nail designs for you all to get inspired and maybe fall in love with one of these designs

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Egg White Face Mask for Radiant Skin

Egg White Face Mask for Radiant Skin

This egg white face mask will offer you great results and is also very simple to make.

Your main ingredient in this face mask – in fact the only one – is an egg… :)

It makes it so simple right? Well this easy to prepare face mask will give you a lovely radiant glow, by also nourishing your skin tissue.

Egg White Face Mask for Radiant Skin
How To Make The Face Mask

Egg white alone possesses enough benefits to satisfy your skin`s needs. Check out my article on “6 Effective Skin Care Face Masks with Egg White” to find out more about this wonderful ingredient.
You can apply this face mask daily (morning or evening), depending on your preference.

Before you get everything ready for using your egg, I want to share with you my own way of making this face mask. I try not to waste any of my ingredients, especially if it is something useful like : the egg yolk.

I always adapt any ingredient to my own type of hair and skin. So I always end up by using also the egg yolk to treat my hair at the same time.

If you would like to do the same, here are some suggestions to suit every type of skin. I hope you will be able to pick something that works best for you:

    for normal skin – egg yolk + the juice from a grated carrot or even just grated carrot + a bit of milk
    for dry skin – egg yolk + 1/2 mashed avocado
    for oily skin (it also suits acne skin) – egg yolk + 1 TSP lemon juice + 1 TSP honey
    for sensitive skin – egg yolk + plain organic yogurt (you can also add some honey if you want)

Keep any of these egg yolk face masks on your face for about 15-20 minutes.
Ingredients required

You will need:

    1 egg white


    Separate the whites from the yolk and beat it well with a fork or by using a blender (it will end up looking like foam).
    Apply it on your freshly cleansed skin and leave it to work for 15 minutes.
    When you feel your skin tightening up, gently remove the egg white, with a cloth soaked in warm water.

The result will pleasantly surprise you as your skin will radiate with freshness!


Skin problems & treatments guide

Acne treatments

Acne can’t be cured, but it can be controlled with treatment.

The goal of acne treatment is to reduce or clear up the spots through skin care or treatments to inhibit sebum production, limit bacterial growth, encourage shedding of skin cells and unclogging pores.

Some acne treatments are available over the counter from pharmacies, while others are prescribed by doctors or dermatologists.
What causes acne?

Acne develops when hormonal shifts (like the kind that occur during puberty, and in women, before a menstrual period and sometimes prior to menopause) cause an overproduction of oil and cells inside a skin follicle. Together, they form a kind of biological bottleneck that plugs the opening of the pore and causes the follicle beneath to swell.

This allows for the overgrowth of bacteria normally found on skin - Bacteriophage acne's (P. acne's) - which produce irritating chemical substances that further fuel the inflammation. The end result is acne.
What are the treatments for acne?

The occasional spot needs no treatment. Over-the-counter cover-up creams and cosmetics, if used at all, should be water-based. Even if outbreaks of acne cannot be eliminated, conventional treatment can provide relief.

The best treatments inhibit sebum production, limit bacterial growth or encourage shedding of skin cells to unclog pores. Because many therapies can have side effects, any patient with acne should proceed with caution when trying a new treatment. People with severe, persistent cases of acne may need the care of a dermatologist (a skin specialist).
'Gold standard' vs new treatments

For decades, doctors have said the "gold standard" for treating mild to moderate acne has been a combination of a deep pore cleanser such as benzoyl peroxide (it prevents the clogging of pores) and a topical antibiotic or sulfur medication to combat the bacteria.
Non-prescription treatment for acne

Soap and water. Gentle cleansing of the face with soap and water no more than twice a day can remove the excess oils and help the "oily skin" often associated with acne. However, this does not clear up acne that is already present. Avoid aggressive scrubbing, which can injure the skin and cause other skin problems.

Cleansers. There are many cleansers and soaps advertised for treating acne. However, these are unnecessary if the acne is being properly treated and can in fact aggravate acne.

Benzoyl peroxide. For mild acne, you may try, or your doctor may recommend, treatment with a non-prescription medication that contains benzoyl peroxide. It's believed that this compound works by killing the bacteria associated with acne and by preventing dead skin cells clogging pores. It usually takes at least four weeks to work and it may need to be continued once the acne has cleared to help keep acne at bay until you outgrow getting acne. It is available in a wide range of forms: creams, lotions, washes and gels. Benzoyl peroxide can cause dry skin and can bleach fabrics, so take care when applying it. Consider wearing an old T-shirt to bed if you are applying it to your back or chest overnight and using old or white bedclothes if applying to your face.



In my previous post I shared, the beauty benefits of water. And I explained that Water can help to reduce acne and pimples. Today I will share few best fruits face mask which help to treat acne. Acne is one of the very common skin problems which everyone finds very hard to deal with it and will do anything to get rid of this problem quickly. Those small white and sometimes black outburst makes face to look dull and scarred, and most of the times they leave dark spots or marks which makes your skin look like patchy skin. And once if they leave marks it takes too long time to get rid of these marks. There are many face creams, face masks or packs and products are available in market which can be used to get rid of this problem but they won’t work all the time, if they work also not 100%.

Many fruits can be used to take care of your skin. Easy and fast fruits face mask can be prepared using fruits like papaya and banana; these fruits can be mashed in a blow and mixed with another natural ingredients likes lemon juice, curds, milk and honey. These fruits mask can be used to get rid of acne problem permanently. For example:- these fruits face packs can be used to get rid of acne and removes dead skin, like strawberry, and papaya, banana. Banana face mask is very easy to prepare and very effective mask to treat acne prone skin.

If you are suffering from acne problem and tried all types of facials to get rid of this problem, below are the few homemade fruits face masks which helps to treat acne. Try out these fruits face masks to get spotless and glowing skin. These face masks can be prepared in few mins and its give very effective results. So let’s check out.


As I have shared that homemade remedies or natural remedies always works great and gives wonderful results. But homemade or any natural remedies should be used at least for 2-3 months to get good results. Homemade remedies are does not have any kind of side effects and they are inexpensive, and suits all types of sensitive. But if your skin is very sensitive then please do a patch test and if your skin gets any type of allergies or side effect then please stop using those ingredients L.

Best fruits face mask to treat acne:

1. Watermelon pulp and juice can be used to treat acne. Cut watermelon into normal size and grind them for 2 min, then separate the pulp and juice. Now you can apply pulp on clean face relax for 10-15 min then wash your face. You can apply juice on your face and a neck, relax for 30 min or until it gets dry then wash it using plain water. Watermelon is known as water-rich fruit which has high vitamins like a, c and d, watermelon pulp acts as a great exfoliate on the skin.

2. Strawberry face masks best for acne and oily skin. This pink berry fruit is very effective fruit mask to treat acne and removes excess oil from skin. Just mash 2 strawberries and add honey to prepare face mask, then apply on cleansed face then leave for 10-15 min then wash it using lukewarm water or plain water.

3. Banana is very best fruit to have if your body is heat in nature. Banana also works great on dry skin and help to get rid of acne effectively.  Use ripe banana to prepare face masks, mash ripe banana, add 1-2 tsp of honey and add 1 tsp of sandalwood powder. Now mix all the ingredients and make a thick smooth face mask, then apply on clean face and neck. Leave for 10-15 min then wash it using cold water.

4. Take few red grapes and mash it properly, add 2-3 tsp of curds. Prepare a face mask then apply on face and neck then leave for 10 min then wash it using normal water. This fruits face masks treats acne naturally.

5. Papaya fruit face mask treat acne and reduces acne marks from skin. Mix papaya pulp with milk (if you have dry skin) or curds (if your skin is oily). Apply this mask on clean face and neck leave for 15 min then wash it using cold water.

6. Orange is another fruit which works great on acne and this citrus fruits is great fruit for skin care. You can take advantage of pulp and peeled dry skin of this fruits to prepare face mask. Take out the pulp, add few drops of milk and 1 tsp of honey, mix well and make a face mask then apply on clean face and neck leave for 20 min then wash it using cold water.

7. Apple is known as red fruit that is good for health and skin. This fruit not only treat acne but also great fruit face mask to treat tanning and makes your skin smooth, soft and glowing also. Blend some of the apple pieces with little milk and add 1 tsp of milk powder (add little more milk if required to make a thick smooth paste like face mask).  Then apply on clean face and neck leave for 15 min then wash it using plain water.

8. Red plum fruit face mask helps to get rid of acne and dark marks. Make homemade fruits face mask using red plum and milk then apply on clean face and neck leave for 10-15 min then wash it using plain water.

9. Cherries are also known as red fruits, which is very effective fruits to use for skin care. This fruit face mask is very easy to prepare, just blend or squeeze fresh cherries and add few drops of rose water or you can add honey also. Then apply on face and neck leave for 15 min then wash it using cold water. This fruit face mask   helps to cleanse the skin, reduces blemishes, treat acne, gives smooth skin and add fairness to skin.

10. Take 1 ½ tbsp of ripe banana pulp, 2 tbsp of ripe papaya pulp, mix the ingredients properly. Then add 1 tbsp of fresh lemon juice or orange juice & 2 tbsp of raw milk in face mask. Make a fine smooth thick paste & then apply on face and neck, leave for 20-25 min, then wash your face using lukewarm or normal water.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Homemade Best Face Mask For Dry Skin

In this article are given DIY face masks for dry skin that are super moisturizing for dry, chapped and rough skin. These dry skin natural face masks use ingredients that, for the most part, are already available in your home and can be made at home. They will keep your facial skin moisturized and fresh. The benefits you get by making these face masks at home is that you avoid use of harmful chemical ingredients and moreover most of these masks can be made for pennies with help of natural ingredients already available in your kitchen.
Natural Face Mask For Dry Skin

1. Egg And Honey Facial Mask For Dry Skin: Add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil with the white of one egg in a small bowl and mix them well till they thicken slightly. Spread the mixture onto your face. Let it sit on your face for 15 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water.

2. Banana, Yogurt And Honey Dry Skin Face Mask:  Put 2 fully ripe bananas, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1/2 cup of yogurt in a blender. Blend these natural ingredients together till they form  a consistent paste. Smear the paste onto your face, leaving it there for about 20 minutes or till it dries out. Rinse your face with warm water.

3. Cucumber And Aloe Vera Natural Face Mask  To Manage Dry Skin: Peel a cucumber and place it in a blender. Add 2 tablespoons of aloe vera to it. Blend these two natural ingredients together until they form into a thick consistent mixture. Smear this paste onto your face, leaving it there for 30 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cold water.

4. Avocado And Honey Face Mask For Dry Skin Home Remedy: This great face mask recipe requires only two natural ingredients, namely, avocado and honey. Avocado contains lots of oils and honey is also a natural moisturizer. This mask is a boon for mature, wrinkled and dry skin. You need half of a ripe, fresh, organic avocado to make this dry skin face mask at home. The other half you can eat to give your skin a boost from inside as well!!

Mash 1/2 very ripe, soft avocado into a creamy pulp in a bowl. Then stir in 1/4 cup of honey to form a smooth paste. Apply it onto your facial skin, leaving it there for about 10 minutes. Rinse it off your face with the help of a cool washcloth.

Natural Beauty Tip: Use this natural recipe after applying brown sugar facial scrub – simple face scrub that exfoliates skin while this mask moisturizes.  (Recipe given below).

5. Aloe Vera And Avocado Best DIY Face Mask For Dry Skin: This natural face mask is very effective in hydrating and softening dry chapped skin. Its three natural ingredients – aloe vera gel, avocado and honey – all are super hydrating.  This mask also works great for wind-burned or sunburned skin because aloe vera contains natural healing agents.  In addition avocado and honey are known to be packed with antioxidants that make this as one of the best DIY face masks for dry skin.

Take 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel, 1/2 ripe avocado (eat the other half), 1 tablespoon of runny honey (if required, warm it for a few seconds in a microwave to make it runny), 1 teaspoon of almond or coconut oil and 1 ½ tablespoon of dry oatmeal (the real stuff not the instant one).

Mash up the avocado in a bowl until it turns into fine pulp without lumps. Stir in the aloe vera gel, runny honey, coconut oil and oatmeal. Mix these natural ingredients together to form a uniform paste. Spread the mask onto your freshly washed skin, leaving it there for about 15 minutes. Rinse the mask off with lukewarm water and a warm wash cloth. If needed, follow with a moisturizer on your still-moist skin.

6. DIY Milk Facial Mask for Dry Skin: This is an ancient time face mask. Raw milk is a well-known moisturizer that hydrates dry skin. This at home recipe is enough for two persons and for a single person you need to reduce the quantities by one half.

Take 1 teaspoon powdered milk, 1 tablespoon runny honey, 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel and 2 drops of an organic essential oil. Mix these natural ingredients well and apply onto your face. Allow it to sit on your face for about 15 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water.

This at home recipe is perfect for dry skin!! It opens up the skin pores and will make your skin soft and smooth.

7. Oat Bran, Yogurt, Honey And Olive Oil Face Mask To Treat Dry Skin: The natural ingredients required for this mask are normally available in your home.

Take 1 tablespoon of oat bran (you can use oatmeal, but the flakes look much goofier), 1 tablespoon of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Mix all the natural ingredients thoroughly in a small bowl. Smear it onto your skin, leaving it there for about 10 minutes or until it dries out. Rinse it off. If needed apply moisturizer on a still wet skin.

You can store the leftover mixture in your fridge in a sealed container. This mask mixture will stay fresh for about one week.

8. Banana, Honey And Oatmeal Dry Skin Face Mask: Take 1/2 ripe banana, 1/2 cup of oatmeal and 1 tablespoon of honey.  Blend 1/2 ripe banana, 1/2 cup of oatmeal and 1 tablespoon of honey together.  Stir in a little water and mix thoroughly until the mixture turns into a creamy uniform consistency paste. Smear evenly on to freshly washed skin, leaving it there for about 15 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water and pat dry your face.

If needed, apply a moisturizer on your still wet skin.

9. Carrot, Avocado, Honey And Egg Face Mask For Dry Aging Skin: This natural dry skin face mask is packed with antioxidants and moisturizing agents that work to hydrate your skin and also act to neutralize the free radicals that otherwise cause aging. Carrots are rich source of potassium that prevents skin dryness and also contain anti-inflammatory properties to help revitalize and tone up your skin. The other three ingredients, namely, avocado, honey and egg yolk are all moisturizing agents.

Take 1 carrot, peeled and de-stemmed, 1/2 avocado, 1 tablespoon honey, 1/2 tablespoon extra-virgin olive or coconut oil and 1 egg yolk.

Steam or boil the carrot till it turns so tender that a fork can pierce it easily. Blend it along with 1/2 fully ripe avocado in a blender until it forms a uniform consistency pulp. Stir in 1 tablespoon honey, 1 egg yolk and mix well all the ingredients together. Smear it evenly onto your freshly washed face, leaving it there for about 15 minutes. Rinse of the mask with a warm washcloth, followed by applying moisturizer on the still wet skin.

10. Brown Sugar And Olive Oil Face Scrub For Dry skin: Brown sugar works as an excellent natural exfoliant for all skin types.

Take 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and about 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil or pure organic coconut oil.

Place the brown sugar in your palm. Add and stir in your palm the olive or coconut oil with your finger to create a uniform paste. Add the oil or sugar as needed. Message the mixture into your facial skin with your fingers in circular motion. Rinse it off with warm water. If you like, follow with a moisturizing mask for dry skin or a moisturizer of your choice.

5 Homemade Kiwi Face Packs

Kiwi is an exotic fruit rich in vitamin C, K, and E and a lot of other essential minerals.  It also has traces of vitamin A.  It helps in collagen formation and rich in antioxidants.  The black seeds of kiwi contain fatty acids omega 3 oils which is great for the skin too.  Kiwi face packs keep the skin soft and supple.  Kiwi has vitamin C more than an orange and also called “king of vitamin C” and also packed with flavonoids. Here are 5 amazing face packs with which you can get radiant, glowing, and beautiful skin.

1.  Kiwi and Yogurt Face Pack:

This is a good brightening face pack.  Take a full ripe kiwi fruit and add in 1 tbsp of yogurt.  Mash the kiwi fruit in the yogurt and apply it on the face and neck and rinse off after 30 minutes.

2.  Kiwi and Honey Face Pack:

This face pack adds a nice glow.  Take a ripe kiwi fruit and add in 1 tbsp of honey and make it into a paste with a spoon.  Apply it along with the seeds on the face and rinse off after 20 minutes.

Kiwi face pack

3.  Kiwi and Banana Face Pack:

This face pack moisturizes the skin very well.  Take half a banana and one ripe kiwi fruit and mash them well.  Add in 1 tbsp of honey and apply on the face and neck and rinse off after 20 minutes to reveal glowing skin.

4.  Kiwi, Honey, and Lemon Face Pack:

A very potent vitamin C face pack.  Take a ripe kiwi, squeeze in a few drops of lemon, add in 1 tbsp of honey to this.  Mix well and apply on the face and neck.  Wash off after 20 minutes to reveal soft and smooth skin.

5.  Avocado and Kiwi Face Pack:

Kiwi and avocado face pack

Avocado is rich in vitamin A, B, C, and along with kiwi, this is a good anti-ageing face pack.  Take out the pulp from one kiwi and one avocado fruits.  Mash them together to a creamy paste.  Add honey if you want.  Keep on the face for 30 minutes and rinse off.  Regular use will give you anti-ageing benefits.

4 Simple Honey Face Masks for Every Skin Type

I love skincare you can eat, and the raw honey face mask tops my list of homemade beauty products. Raw honey was prized for its healing properties in ancient civilizations, and it makes an incredible mask for your skin all by itself. I use a raw honey mask several times a week, and I notice a definite improvement in the tone and softness of my skin. I love it even more for the fact that it’s totally edible and doesn’t expose my skin to the chemicals found in most beauty products.

While raw honey is lovely, you can also mix and match other food-based ingredients to tailor your mask to your unique skin type. Below are four recipes for honey face masks designed with specific skin types in mind:
1. Honey Face Mask for Acne-Prone Skin

    3 teaspoons raw honey
    1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Mix honey and cinnamon together, and apply to your face. Leave the mask on for 10-30 minutes. The antibacterial properties of both honey and cinnamon are especially beneficial for acne-prone skin. (Cinnamon can occasionally be irritating if your skin is really sensitive, so you might want to do a patch test on the back of your hand first.)
2. Honey Face Mask for Dry Skin

    1 teaspoon mashed avocado
    1 teaspoon plain whole milk yogurt
    1 teaspoon raw honey

Mix ingredients in a small bowl until smooth. Spread the mixture over your face and let it sit for 20-30 minutes before washing it off. The fats in the avocado and whole milk yogurt are deeply moisturizing to the skin, while the lactic acid in the yogurt smooths your skin, refines pores, and stimulates collagen production.
3. Honey Face Mask for Sensitive Skin

    2 teaspoons raw honey
    1 teaspoon aloe vera gel

Stir the aloe and honey together and apply over your face. Leave it on for about 10-20 minutes. Aloe soothes inflammation and calms your skin, perfect for those with sensitive, irritated skin.
4. Honey Face Mask for Scars and Dark Spots

    2 teaspoons raw honey
    1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

Combine the lemon juice and honey, and apply the mixture to your face. Allow it to sit for 20-30 minutes. Lemon juice exfoliates your skin, brightens dark spots and fades scars. Your skin will feel smooth and soft right away, but it may take a few applications to notice a real difference in scars and spots.

Question: What honey is best for a honey face mask?

Answer: Any real honey will do, but my personal favorite is raw, unfiltered honey because it retains more of its potent healing properties. I can actually tell the difference between the types of honey I’ve used for my honey mask. A high quality local raw honey made my skin glow in a way the others didn’t!

Have you tried a variation of the raw honey mask? What are your favorite food-based ingredients to use on your skin? Comment below!


How to make your own chocolate

It's raw, it's healthy, and it's easier than you think.
By John Berardi, Ph.D.

So, either you – or someone you love – loves chocolate.  That’s no surprise.  But what is surprising is that chocolate can actually be a health food.

That’s right, we’ve written extensively about the benefits associated with eating chocolate. (Especially the kind that’s high in cocoa).

Here’s a bit more about that:

    All About Chocolate
    Chocolate and tea: Antioxidant benefits

However, for today, our mission is to make our own chocolate.

You see, the type of chocolate we benefit from is not the milk chocolate stuff many of us call “chocolate.”  That’s actually “candy.”

No, the type of chocolate we can benefit from is the really rich, high quality, low sugar chocolate that contains 85% or more cocoa.

But there are a few problems with this type of chocolate.

    First, is that it’s often really hard to find.
    Next, there’s a huge taste difference between higher and lower quality.
    And finally, the higher quality brands are usually pretty expensive.

So, to solve these issues, Precision Nutrition community member Kaisa decided to share her favorite raw chocolate recipe.
The first step – raw cocoa

Raw chocolate is made from cocoa beans which haven’t been roasted.

You see, roasting changes the molecular structure of cocoa beans, reducing the enzyme content and lowering the overall nutritional value.

Unfortunately, commercial cocoa (and the chocolate made from it chocolate) is made from roasted cocoa beans – unless stated otherwise.

So, this recipe includes raw cocoa rather than roasted.  You’ll notice a huge difference between the two.
The ingredients

Here are the ingredients (and amounts) you need on hand to make your own raw chocolate.

    1/2 cup cocoa butter
    1/2 cup virgin coconut oil
    1/2 cup (raw)  organic cocoa powder
    1/4 – 1/2 cup agave syrup for sweetening
    (organic honey, stevia or raw cane sugar okay too; or you don’t have to use any sweetener at all)

Now, you won’t be able to find some of these ingredients are your local grocery store.  So try calling a natural food store in your area.  And if that fails, you can order the ingredients from Sunfood.

choko ingredients How to make your own chocolate. Its raw, its healthy, and its easier than you think.
Ideas for additions

Now, the basics above form the foundation of your recipe.

However, if you want to jazz it up a bit, here are some ideas for what you can add.

    lucuma powder (sweetener, also makes the chocolate more milk chocolate like)
    berry powders (blueberry and buckthorn berry in the photo)
    purple corn powder (high antioxidants)
    cocoa nibs
    goji berries
    dried berries
    dates, chopped
    crushed nuts, almonds, seeds
    chili powder
    green tea extract
    or anything else you like!

choko variety How to make your own chocolate. Its raw, its healthy, and its easier than you think.
Ok, let’s get started

Here are the steps for making your own, raw chocolate.
Step 1.

Grate 1/2 cup of the cocoa butter. It will melt easier when it’s grated. Measure also 1/2 cup of coconut oil.

choko cocoabutter How to make your own chocolate. Its raw, its healthy, and its easier than you think.
Step 2.

Place cocoa butter and coconut oil in a water in a small, heat-safe cup or bowl. Then place the cup or bowl in a shallow pan containing a small amount of warm (not boiling, but nearly) water. Stir the oil and butter occasionally until it’s smooth.

choko melting How to make your own chocolate. Its raw, its healthy, and its easier than you think.
Step 3.

Measure 1/2 cup cocoa powder.  If you’d like to add any other dry ingredients, measure them out now and stir them together with the cocoa powder.  Note: In this recipe, I used 1/4 cup lucuma powder and 1 tbsp. maca. Natural vanilla or vanilla extract would work here also.

choko cocoa1 How to make your own chocolate. Its raw, its healthy, and its easier than you think.
Step 4.

Pour the dry ingredients in the bowl with melted oil and butter. Stir continuously until smooth.

choko cocoa How to make your own chocolate. Its raw, its healthy, and its easier than you think.
Step 5.

If you want to sweeten your chocolate, pour 4-6 tbsp agave nectar into the mix and stir.  If not, skip this step.

choko agavenectar How to make your own chocolate. Its raw, its healthy, and its easier than you think.
Step 6.

Have someone check the quality. Meaning… go ahead and check if the chocolate is sweet enough. You can also add the rest of the additions at this point – like chili/cayenne, dried fruit, nuts etc.

choko eemei How to make your own chocolate. Its raw, its healthy, and its easier than you think.
Step 7.

Pour the melted chocolate on a pan / plate / ice cube tray. You can also throw some of the additions on top of the chocolate, it looks nice. Place the chocolate for 30 minutes in the freezer or 60 minutes in the refrigerator.

choko1 final How to make your own chocolate. Its raw, its healthy, and its easier than you think.

choko2 final How to make your own chocolate. Its raw, its healthy, and its easier than you think.
Step 8.

Enjoy in moderation with good friends or family. The more you share, the more you enjoy I can assure you your friends will be astonished by how delicious REAL chocolate is!

choko enjoy How to make your own chocolate. Its raw, its healthy, and its easier than you think.

Want more recipes?

For more great recipes like this, check out Gourmet Nutrition – The Cookbook For The Fit Food Lover.

This book is for people who love to eat great food, but hate that after-dinner guilt.  For those who love to eat with style, but hate to look “indulgent.”  For those who love to entertain, but want to do it right.

We’ve taken the healthiest ingredients and whipped them into nearly 300 pages of delicious culinary creations that you can serve with confidence to the most discerning foodie – or the most nitpicky nutritionist.

We’ve included detailed cooking instructions and ideas for improvisation.  And we’ve even photographed every recipe in beautiful color to show you just how appetizing healthy food can be.

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