Friday, March 13, 2015

Effective Home Remedies To Treat Gum Diseases

Have you experienced bleeding gums? Are you troubled by sore and swollen gums, toothache and bad breath? Though these ailments don’t appear so serious, they can cause complications if ignored.

So, are there any simple remedies that can treat gum diseases? Well, there are! And this post deals with the top remedies that can help you fight and prevent gum ailments. Want to know what they are? Read on!
1. Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil possesses powerful anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe irritated and inflamed gums. A study published in the Australian Dental Journal in 2008 found that topical application of a tea tree oil gel helped reduce gum bleeding and gingivitis.

All you need to do is add a few drops of tea tree oil to your toothpaste or buy toothpaste with tea tree oil as an ingredient in it. Make sure to brush twice a day, and this should be done for several weeks. The antiseptic and antibiotic properties of tea tree oil help cure localized infections.

2. Sea Salt:

The minerals present in sea salt help reduce inflammation, and also cure pain and infection. In the case of gum infection, you can simply dissolve a small quantity of sea salt in a cup of warm water. You can use this solution as a mouth rinse by swishing it in your mouth for about 30 seconds before spitting out. This mouthwash should be used thrice a day until the symptoms subside. This will significantly reduce swelling as well as draw infection out of the abscesses.

3. Baking Soda:

Baking soda is a popular ingredient in toothpastes and toothpowders as it gently cleans your teeth and freshens your mouth. It reduces the chances of gum disease and tooth decay by neutralising the acids in your mouth. For preventing gum disease, you can prepare a home-made toothpaste by mixing some baking soda with warm water. Use this paste for brushing your teeth twice a day.
4. Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera possesses anti-inflammatory and healing properties that can be helpful in treating gum disease. Its anti-microbial properties kill the bacteria that cause gum disease. It also helps in curing bad breath and heals mouth ulcers.

You can apply 100 percent pure aloe Vera to your gums before going to bed. Spread it all over your gums and allow it to stay in your mouth to boost the healing process. Alternatively, you can swish some aloe Vera juice in your mouth and spit it out. You can also drink about 2 teaspoons of aloe Vera juice twice a day.
5. Cranberry Juice:

The high vitamin-C content in cranberry juice makes it a good option for fighting gum diseases and infections. This juice prevents bacteria from sticking to your teeth. A study published in the Journal of Periodontology has associated lower intake of vitamin C with higher rates of periodontal disease.

All you need to do is drink 4 ounces or 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cranberry juice daily. Apart from this, it is advisable to eat vitamin-C rich fruits and vegetables like lemons, grapefruit, strawberries, papaya, blueberries, red pepper and broccoli.
6. Lemon:

Lemons offer an excellent home remedy for gum diseases. Their anti-inflammatory properties aid the treatment of gum infections. Vitamin C, being a powerful antioxidant, enables your gums to fight off infections and diseases. You can prepare a paste by mixing the juice of one lemon and some salt. Apply it on your teeth, allow it to stay for a few minutes and then rinse off by gargling with warm water.
7. Honey:

Honey also contains antibacterial and antiseptic properties that can effectively treat gum infections. All you need to do is rub a small amount of honey on the infected area after brushing your teeth. You can apply it on the entire oral region without any fear of side effects. However, over-application should be avoided as honey has high sugar content.
8. Tea Bags:

Direct application of tea bags is extremely effective in curing gum disease and infection. It is a well-known fact that black tea contains tannic acid that helps reduce pain and inflammation of infected gums. The antioxidants in it also help fight infections.

For the treatment of gum infection, steep a tea bag in hot water for about 10 minutes and allow it to cool. Hold the cooled tea bag on the infected area of your gums for about 3 to 5 minutes. This should be done few times in a day to get relief. It should be kept in mind that this remedy is more effective in curing infection than simply drinking tea. Excessive tea consumption can also make your teeth discoloured and stained.
9. Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is, undoubtedly, one of the most easily available ingredients for treating gum disease and infections. It has an abundance of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. All you need to do is mix 2 tablespoons each of coconut oil and baking soda. Use this as a toothpaste once or twice a week on a regular basis to get rid of gum infections.
10. Chamomile Tea:

Chamomile tea can greatly help in relieving the pain and inflammation associated with gum disease due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. You can prepare chamomile tea by adding 2 to 3 teaspoons of chamomile flowers to a cup of hot water. Allow it to steep for 10 minutes. Strain and cool it. You can use this tea as a mouth rinse few times a day to get noticeable results.

Thus, if persistent gum infection and disease are a cause of your concern, you can try out these home remedies for relief. It should be noted that oral hygiene and healthy diet go a long way in preventing and curing gum problems. Ensure to brush your teeth twice a day, and also use a mouthwash. Restrict the intake of processed and high-sugar foods like sodas, candies, chocolate, cookies, cakes, etc. Give up unhealthy practises like smoking. Chew your food well to stimulate the gums and increase the consumption of foods that are high in vitamins, minerals and nutrients like calcium, zinc and folic acid.

Do you know of any other remedies for gum disease? Share with us by commenting in the box below!

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