Thursday, May 7, 2015

Debunking 5 Myths About Acne

Acne is shrouded in misconception, and covered up with conflicting information. Knowing what’s true and what’s not true can help you figure out how best to treat your skin.

1. Acne is caused by dirt/dirty skin- Acne is not caused by dirt, poor hygiene, not washing your face and so on. Too much scrubbing or cleansing with harsh soaps or chemicals can actually irritate your skin and make the acne worse. If you “over clean” you can end up drying out your skin, which will then try and compensate by making that much more oil. A simple cleansing of the skin to get rid of excess oil and dead skin cells is all that is needed.

2. Greasy food/chocolate makes you breakout-Greasy food and chocolate have been shown to have little to no effect on the development of acne. Diet can still have an impact, as some dairy products or carbs increase blood sugar or have added hormones and trigger acne, but it’s not usually the case.

3. Stress causes acne- In theory, stress can affect hormones, and therefore promote acne. It’s hard to quantify this though, and when you think about the stress most of us deal with in day to day to life, there wouldnt be an acne free face in sight. An effective acne treatment regime will override a bit of everyday stress anytime.

4. Having acne means you can’t use a moisturizer- Look for a good noncomedogenic (meaning less likely to clog pores) moisturizer to use. After treating your acne, be it with banana peels or over the counter creams, a moisturizer can help balance out your skin, ensuring that it doesn’t create excess oil to compensate for all that you dried up.

5. Sunlight/tanning clears up acne- In the short term getting a tan, or even slight sunburn, will seemingly clear up your acne. Long term, it’s not a solution. It’s just hiding the redness, and while it does dry up your skin, it can make it too dry, and do more harm than good.

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