Friday, February 27, 2015

You'll Stress Less

If you're constantly running around, trying to get a billion things done and wondering why there isn't more time, take a step back and re-evaluate. Are you really making the most of your day? A study at the University of London found that those who greeted the day by 7:00 a.m., on average, had a lower chance of being stressed, depressed, and overweight. So even if you think that extra 30 minutes of sleep will help you feel rested for your midday presentation, it may be doing the exact opposite. Bounce out of bed and review your notes instead to help you feel fully prepared.

If the thought of bikini season is making you anxious, hit up a Zumba class before work rather than after. Studies show that working up a sweat in the early hours of your day speeds up your metabolism, helping you burn more calories throughout the day, resist junk-food cravings, and reach for healthier options. For an even bigger burn, take a walk outside while you enjoy that post-workout green juice. A new study from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine found that people who enjoyed being outside in the morning—even in the winter—had lower BMIs than those who stepped outdoors later in the day.

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