Saturday, February 21, 2015

Five Skin Care Mistakes to Avoid

Every girl dreams of having beautiful and shimmering skin, they also dreams of having spots free skin which is impossible to get in teen age if you don’t ever get the acne treatment then the hormonal changes occur in your body.

1. Visit a Dermatologist:

Avoid using any sort of beauty product while you have pimples on your skin, just visit a dermatologist and then follow her footsteps which she refer you to do with your skin. Use the medicated products to keep on moving with neat and clean skin.

2. Avoid Yourself from Sun Rays:

Avoid walking with sun while you travel long for job or some other purposes, just use shadow which will protect your skin from sun rays and will help you to be fresh as you recently take the bath. Rose water is used as the best refresher for dull and dry skin when you heartily feel tired of long journey. Try to wash your face at least one time in a day with rose water.

3. Moisturizing Cares to Prevent Dark Spots:

Avoid using oily moisturizers in summer they will never help you to get clean appearance, start using water based moisturizers they are the perfect way to get rid of fatty skin in summer. In winter you may start using oily moisturizers because in winter season your skin becomes rough and dry so that’s why this type of moisturizer will help you to get rid of all these problems.

4. Hot Water Shower and Steaming:

Avoid taking hot shower; too much hot water will take away the shin of your skin so stay away from this.
Hot water steaming will also cause to get away the shimmer of your skin. You may avoid these things to get charming and clean look. The skin become itchy when you use warm water to take bath if you want to avoid it then add Oatmeal or baking soda in water, these ingredients in water will try to get back the shin of your skin.

5. Avoid Using Same Moisturizers the Whole Year:

We know that weather get different changes in the whole year, our skin become dry in winter and it become oily in summer. So that’s why you cannot use same moisturizer because if you use oily moisturizer throughout the year but your skin becomes oily in summer and dry in winter. Here we felt the need to change our beauty products throughout the year, if we want to get glowing, shimmery, charming and beautiful skin.

I too hope that the above tips will help you to avoid your skin from darkness and dark spots, if you follow the precautions regularly then you will become fruitful within few days.

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